
Monday, 17 October 2016

Fall Fae

Supplies needed:

Tube of choice - I am using the stunning artwork of 
Jasmine Beckett-Griffiths, you can purchase this from CDO
Scrapkit - Autumn is here from Elli's Bilderwelt
Mask - Miz_Mask_148 - Here
Font of choice


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 17th October 2016 and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental


open blank canvas 700 x x700
floodfill white

c/p element 77 
rotate left 90
duplicate twice
move one to the left and one to the right
and the original one up slightly

c/p element 04
resize by 50
rotate left 90
move to the left
duplicate, image mirror

c/p tube
resize as necessary so it fits
nicely in the middle of your elements

c/p element 11
resize by 40
position bottom right

c/p elements 49 & 50
resize by 15
position to the left of the acorns

c/p element 52
resize by 70

c/p element 09
resize by 25
position to left of conkers

c/p element 78
resize by 60
position behind conkers and acorns
I colorized to suit my tag better

c/p element 69
resize by 30
position to the left
image, mirror

c/p element 75
drag down to just above the white background
position to the left so just the feathery fronds
are showing.  Duplicate and move to the right
erase any that is showing from below the rest
of the tag

d/s all layers 2,5,50,8, black
hide white background layer
merge visible

c/p paper 05 above white background
apply mask
merge group
reposition merged layer so its in the middle of the mask layer

add name, copyright and license information
delete white background layer
merge visible
crop and save as png.


Tube of choice - I am using the beautiful artwork of Zindy Nielsen
You can purchase the same tube from her shop HERE
Floating on Air mini sampler from Gothic Inspirations
Mask - Miz_Mask_142
Font of choice

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 24th September 2016 and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental

Open blank canvas 700 x 700 
floodfill white

c/p cluster frame
resize by 80

c/p smudge
resize by 60
image, mirror
drag below cluster and move the right slightly

c/p cluster cloud
resize by 60
position top left, so butterflies are showing 
in the middle of your tag

Make white background layer active
c/p paper 4
apply mask
merge group

using your deform tool, squash the mask down a little
image, mirror & flip
merge down

make cluster cloud layer active

c/p tube as new layer
position to the right, so you can see a portion of it in the frames
and the top of your tube is coming out above the frames
erase any that is showing below the frames
Change blend mode to screen (or what looks good with your tube)

make cluster layer active

c/p candle
resize by 35
position bottom left of cluster
d/s 2,5,50,8,black

c/p brush
resize by 35
position just in front of candle 

c/p leaf2
resize by 40
image, mirror
position in front of brush

c/p wind 
resize by 70
position along bottom of cluster

c/p bling 2
resize by 80
rotate right 90

add name, copyright & license information 
delete white background layer
merge visible
crop & save as png

Autumn Joy

Supplies needed:

Tube of choice - I am using the beautiful artwork of ZlataM
You can purchase the same tube from Pics For Designs
Scrapkit - Autumn Joy HERE
Mask - Miz_Mask_141
Font of choice 
Wordart - Save png file from bottom of this page


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 24th September 2016 and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental


Open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

copy and paste PP04 as new layer
apply mask, merge group

copy and paste embellie 18 as new layer
resize by 80

c/p embellie 17
resize by 50
position top right corner of frame
and drag below the frame, erase any part showing
inside the frame

c/p embellie 19
resize by 60, position top right corner of frame
on top of tree, erase any part of the clock
showing inside the frame

c/p embellie 17
resize by 80
position along bottom edge of frame

c/p embellie 07
position on top of mushrooms

c/p embellie 05
resize by 50
position top left corner of frame

c/p embellie 03
resize by 50
position left side of frame

c/p embellie 13
resize by 50, position bottom right corner of frame

c/p embellie 23
resize by 60

c/p tube
resize and position to your liking
You may wish to move some of your elements up or down
the layer palette so you tube sits within them 

make mask layer active
c/p tube again (or a close up version)
erase any that is showing outside of the frame
change blend mode to luminance
adjust, blur, gaussian blur 8
change blend mode to overlay
reduce opacity of both tube layers to around 50

copy and paste wordart as new layer
position to your liking

Dropshadow all elements layers except the sparkles

Add name, copyright & license information
delete white background layer
merge visible
crop and save as png

Monday, 9 May 2016

Its a Dogs Life!

Supplies needed:

tube of choice - I am using the beautiful artwork of Laguna
which can be purchased from Pics For Design
Supplies HERE
Filters : Muras Meister - Copies


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 1st May 2016 and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental


Open supplies and place selection file in your selections folder

Open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

choose a colour from your tube 
set as foreground colour, background to null
preset shapes tool, circle, width 25, create as vector
draw out a circle in the middle of your canvas
Objects, align, center in canvas
convert to raster

duplicate this circle twice
position one to the left and down slightly
and the other to the right and down slightly
drag both under the to circle in the layer palette

now make the top circle active
magic wand, feather 0
click inside the circle 
expand by 4
new raster layer, floodfill with gradient of choice (something that matches your tag)
drag this layer below the circle layer

text tool - visitor TT2 font, size 14, anti alias off, colour black
type out your phrase, I used "its a dogs life!"
convert to raster
muras meister, copies, tiling angle, default settings but change tile gap to 3

on your gradient layer, 
select all, float, defloat, invert
hit delete on your text layer

On left circle, magic wand, click inside the circle
expand by 4
new raster layer, floodfill with colour of choice
copy and paste your tube as new layer
position and resize as necessary
selections invert
hit delete on your keyboard
drag colour layer and tube layer below the left circle
change blend mode on tube layer to luminance (legacy)

repeat for the right circle but use a different colour to floodfill
and resize tube to a different size

dropshadow all 3 circle layers 2,5,50,8, black

hide white background and merge visible

New raster layer
Load/save selection from disk
Load Miz_filmstrip2 selection
floodfill with colour of choice (I used the same colour as my circles)
position at bottom of circles, 
rotate left 5

magic wand, Mode Add, feather 0, tolerance 10
click inside the first filmstrip frame
new raster layer, expand selection by 2
floodfill with gradient of choice
copy and paste tube, resize as necessary
position inside the selection to your liking
selections invert, delete
change blend mode to Difference
drag filmstrip layer to the top of your layer palette

repeat with the other 4 frames of the filmstrip
dropshadow filmstrip

hide white background & merged circles
merge filmstrip layers together
duplicate, image, mirror
unhide all other layers

copy and paste tube one last time
resize and position to fit

Add name, license and copyright information
delete white background layer
merge visible, save as png

Fairy pixelated

Supplies needed:

Tube of choice preferably one with a nice bit of patterning on it
 I used the beautiful work of Misticheskaya which 
can be purchased from Pics For Design
Filters : Xero, Fritillary
Kiwis Oelfilter - Guck Mal
Muras Meister - Copies
These filters can all be found Here


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 24th April 2016 and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental


Open your tube
shift & D to duplicate, close original
lasso selection tool, point to point, feather 11ish
roughly select around the body of your fairy
just leaving the wing(s), and hit delete

(if using a tube with patterning select round the patterned bit)

Open blank canvas 700 x 200
copy and paste the wing(s) (or pattern) as new layer
Muras meister - copies - wallpaper rotate default settings

Kiwi Oelfilter - Guck Mal 
all settings to 128
duplicate this layer 

selection tool, ellipse, feather the same as before
draw out a fairly large selection in the middle of your canvas
hit delete

Still on the duplicate layer 
Xero - Fritillary
Granularity 5, agression 67, tesselation 23, variation 55

Magic wand, feather still the same
click inside the empty part of the layer
copy and paste tube as new layer
selections invert

New raster layer
floodfill with color of choice
select all, contract by 2

add name and copyright information
merge all flatten
save as jpg

to make a matching avatar

custom selection tool
top & left 0
right 150, bottom 175
selections, edit selection
move the red box to a part of your tag that you like
edit selection 

paste as new image
add a 2 pixel border like we did for the banner
add name and cr if necessary

merge all flatten
save as jpg

Love you Forever

Supplies needed:

A Personal photo/image - I am using a photo of my handsome sons
but it could be an image of mum/dad/sibling/pet anything you like 
as long as its personal to you
My Template 79 HERE
My supplies HERE


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 7th April 2016 and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental


Open template
shift D to duplicate, close original
delete credits layer

on the following layers

select all, float, defloat
paste as new layer
hit delete
delete origial template layer

Layers 1, 6 - Paper 1
Layers 4 & 8 - Paper 2
Layers 2, 3 & 9 - Paper 4
Layers 5, 10, 12 & 13 - Paper 3
Layers 7 & 11 - paper 5

Make layer 14 active
select all, float, defloat
paste your own image as new layer
resize to fit
selections, invert
hit delete to get rid of any excess
rotate left 5

Copy and paste red leaves as new layer
resize by 40
position where layer 15 is located then delete layer 15

Copy and paste blue leaves as new layer
resize by 40
position same place as red leaves but rotate to your liking
adjust - sharpness - sharpen more

Copy and paste red rose as new layer
resize by 10
position on top of leaves
duplicate, image, flip, 
position below first rose

Copy and paste blue rose as new layer
resize by 25
position in middle of two red roses

dropshadow leaves and roses
2,4,50,8, black
merge leaves and roses together

duplicate the rose cluster
move to the where layer 16 is positioned, delete layer 16, 17 & 18

copy and paste heartwings
resize by 15
position where the top circle frame intersects with your image
rotate to the right slightly
position where the bottom circle frame intersects with your image
rotate to the left

dropshadow all template layers 
0,0,50,8, black

Make Background layer active
copy and paste wordart as new layer
resize by 60
position to the right and up a bit so it can be seen from under the rest of the layers
add white gradient glow

make top layer active
copy and paste wordart 2 as new layer
resize by 80
position to your liking
apply white gradient glow

Add your name and copyright info (if you took the photo add your own name)
delete white background
merge visible
crop and save as png

another example I made, this one is of me and my hubby on our wedding day 

Friday, 6 May 2016


Supplies needed:

Tube of choice - I am using the Gorjuss arwork of Suzanne Woolcot 
which is no longer available to purchase as tubes unfortunately
A sitting tube is best for this tutorial
Eye Candy 4 - Gradient Glow
My supplies HERE


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 4th April 2016 and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental


Open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

Open one of the images supplied
custom selection

top 129, left 132, right 389, bottom 673
copy & deselect

Paste onto your canvas as new layer
select all, float, defloat, contract by 18
hit delete on your keyboard

inner bevel

bevel 2, width 10, smoothness 25, depth 10
ambiece -11, shininess 35, color white, angle 225
intensity 35, elevation 60

Copy one of the images supplied
paste as new layer
resize by 75
drag below your frame layer
position so a part of the image you like is showing inside the frame

On frame layer
magic wand, feather 0, click inside the frame
expand by 4
on image layer, hit delete

dropshadow the frame 
2,5,46,9, black

copy and paste hot air balloon 
as new layer
resize by 40
dropshadow as before

paste again 
resize by 20
adjust, hue and saturation, hue map
drag the first slider down to a color of your choice


Position balloons to your liking on your tag

copy and paste tube as new layer
resize to fit nicely on your tag
position so its sitting over the bottom left corner of your frame

copy and paste wordart as new layer
resize by 40
position to your liking
eye candy 4 - gradient glow
add a fat white gradient glow, change the width to 3

new raster layer
flood will with a gradient made from two colors from your tag
linear, angle 45, repeats 4
apply mask
merge group
drag mask layer down to just above your white background
you may wish to use your deform tool to stretch and/or squish it to
fit nicely around your tag

add name, license and copyright information
delete white backgroud layer
merge visible
crop and save as png

Monday, 4 April 2016

Midnight Desire

Supplies Needed:

Tube of choice -  I am using the beautiful free artwork of Zindy
which you can download HERE
My Scrapkit - Midnight Desire
Mask of choice
Font of choice - ( I used Diane De France)

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 25th March 2016 and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental

Open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

copy and paste paper 8
apply mask
merge group

copy and paste element 33
resize by 40
rotate right 22
move up and to the right slightly

copy and paste element 24
resize by 20
position bottom left corner of frame

coy and paste element 27
resize by 30
position bottom right corner of frame

copy and paste various elements of your choice
resizing and positioning as you go, to make a cluster
around the bottom of the frame (see my tag for reference)

If you use element 36, (the midnight desire wordart) 
I suggest a white gradient glow to ensure it shows up nicely

make mask layer active
copy and paste tube as new layer
resize and rotate to fit nicely inside your frame
erase any extra showing outside the frame

dropshadow all elements and frame 
2,4,50,8, black

add name, license and copyright information
delete white background layer
merge visible
crop and save as png


Supplies needed:

Tube of choice - I am using the beautiful artwork of Alex Prihodko
which you can purchase from Pics for Design
My supplies HERE
Font of choice

Filters - AP freebies (included in supplies)
Muras Meiser Copies
Eye Candy 4 Gradient Glow


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 25th March 2016 and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental


open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

c/p tube
muras meister copies - wallpaper rotate default settings

ap11 - blends/blurs- blur min/max cross
set blur to 100, blue to 184

ap14 motion - distort gridedge
distort 40, xtra 10, edge 3
distortion options: mottled

ap01 inovations - Lines silverlining 
gap, threshold & Line all set to 10
all colours set to 0
choose backslash from the dropdown menu

merge all layers except the white background

apply mask to merged layer, merge group

c/p tube as new layer
resize as necessary
position to the left slightly
apply mask again
merge group
dropshadow 3,6,50,13, black

c/p wordart as new layer
position to the right slightly 

eye candy 4, gradient glow
on the Color tab choose the thin setting
then change the color from white to a color from your tag

on the basic tab
Glow width 3, soft corners 25, overall opacity 100, draw only outside selection checked

c/p rose cluster
resize by 80
position at bottom of tag
colorize to suit your tag

add name, license and copyright information
delete white background layer
merge visible
save as png.

Here are some more samples made by the wonderful members over at Taggers Inn

by Me

by Moony

By Deeva

by Deeva

By Bee

By Ravenbyrd

Happy Easter

Supplies needed:

Tube of choice - I am using the lovely artwork of Elias Chatzoudis
which can be purchased from his store HERE
Template 177 from Punky Butts
Scrapkit from Horseplays Pasture - Floppy Ears and Fluffy Rears
Font of choice


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 20th March 2016
and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental


Open template, shift D to duplicate
close original 
delete credits layer, dotted circle layers and center Happy Easter layer
resize all layers 87%

make scallop left active
select all, float, defloat
copy and paste paper 16 as new layer
selections invert
hit delete on your keyboard
delete original template layer

Repeat for scallop right and center scallop

on each scallop layer
select all, float, defloat, expand by 5
new raster layer, floodfill with #ffd1f6
drag this layer below the scallop layer
add noise 30%, uniform and monochrome checked
dropshadow 0,0,80,9,black

repeat for the other two scallop layers

make Left outer circle active
select all, float, defloat, 
copy and paste paper 11 as new layer
hit delete on your keyboard
delete original template layer
invert selection again
expand by 2
new raster layer
floodfill white
drag white layer below the blue layer
apply the same dropshadow as before 

repeat for right outer circle and center outer circle

Left inner circle
select all, float, defloat, 
copy and paste paper 12 as new layer
resize by 60
invert selection
hit delete on your keyboard
delete original template layer
repeat for right inner circle
repeat for center inner circle but use paper 1 resized by 60%

Hide all layers except
left, right and center rec frame layers
merge those 3 layers together
unhide all layers
(ensure the frame layer is above the pink rectangles)
select all, float, defloat
copy and paste paper 7 as new layer
merge down with the original frame layer

Merge left rec, right rec and center rec layers together
select all, float, defloat, 
copy and paste paper 11 as new layer
invert again

copy and paste close up tube as new layer
position one to the left so the girls face is showing
and one to the right so the bunnys face is showing
erase any the two tube layers that are showing in the center frame
Merge the two tube layers together
Change blend mode to luminance (legacy)
duplicate, blur, gaussian blur 8
change blend mode to burn

copy and paste tube as new layer (ensuring its above the frame layers)
position in the center of your tag, 
dropshadow 2,5,50,8, black

copy/paste/resize/position some elements of your choice

add Name, license and copyright information
merge visible
crop and save as png

Saturday, 26 March 2016


Tube of choice - I am using the beautiful artwork of Alicia Mujica 
which can be purchased from the store HERE
Mask of choice 
Font of choice

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 13th March 2016
and assumes a knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental

Open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white
c/p paper 6
apply mask of choice

c/p element 2
resize by 50
duplicate 3 times and mirror and flip them
to make a squareish shaped frame
merge together and dropshadow

C/p tube
resize as necessary

c/p element 12
resize by 50
position to the bottom left of tube
duplicate, mirror

c/p element 29
resize by 60
position at the bottom of your tag

c/p element 14
resize by 60
duplicate 1 or 2 times and position to your liking

c/p element  17
resize by 60
position to the left and below the wordart

c/p element 20
position to the right and below the wordart

Add name, license and copyright information 
delete white background layer
merge visible
save as png

Steamy Forum Set

Supplies Needed:

Tube of choice - I am using the artwork of Laguna 
which can be purchased from Pics for Design
Font of choice
My Supplies HERE


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 6th March 2016
and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental

Note:  c/p = copy and paste as new layer
d/s = dropshadow

Open blank canvas 700 x 250 

c/p paper 1, position to the left hand side of the canvas
duplicate, image, mirror

c/p paper 2

c/p cogs, resize between 30 - 20
duplicate some if you like
and position randomly down the left hand side
along the edge of the top paper

d/s all cogs 2,5,50,8,black
merge all cogs
duplicate, image, mirror

c/p brown flower 
resize by 30
position bottom left corner
duplicate, image, mirror & flip

c/p leaves
resize by 30
position at top, drag under the cogs
duplicate, image, mirror & flip

make top paper layer active
c/p clock
resize by 80
change blend mode to multiply

c/p tube 
resize as necessary

new raster layer at top of layer palette
select all, contract by 2, invert
floodfill with #4e4236
add noise 100%, uniform & monochrome checked

add name, copyright & license information
merge all flatten
save as jpg

To make matching avatar

Selections - custom selection
left & top 0 Right and bottom 200
edit selection - using your move tool
position the red box to your liking
edit selection, copy 
paste as new image

Add border like we did for the banner
add name, cr and License if necessary
merge all flatten
save as jpg

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Owl Love You Forever

Supplies needed:

Tube of choice - I am using a forum exclusive - Ophelia
you must be a participating member of Taggers Inn to acquire this tube
Scrapkit - Owl Love you Forever from my blog HERE
Font Mr Lackboughs

Filters - Muras Meisters, Copies
Eye Candy 5 Impact


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 25th February 2016
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental


open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

c/p paper 4
apply mask
merge group

c/p cluster 
resize by 60

make mask layer active
using your deform tool
squish the mask down until the the 
'frame' of the mask matches the frame
of the cluster

c/p element 13
resize by 60
rotate right 18
position along top edge of frame

c/p tube 
resize as necessary

Open paper 2
make a circle selection in the middle of the paper
close paper
paste circle onto your canvas

text tool
Mr Lackboughs, size 30, color black
type out "Owl Love you forever"
convert to raster
Effects - Muras Meister Copies - Tiling (angle)
default settings but change tile gap to 2

make circle active
select all, float, defloat
make text layer active
selections invert
hit delete on your keyboard
selections invert
new raster layer

effects, eye candy 5 Impact - Glass
Width 65, smoothness 100, corners 0, inside selection
glass color white, opacity 15, tinting 39, refraction 50,
inner shadow opacity 41, drop shadow opacity 0, shadow offset 12 shadow glow 2

expand by 3
new raster layer
floodfill with grey
contract by 6
eye candy 5 Impact - Chrome
on the settings tab use indoor platinum

Merge all the circle layers together
resize if necessary and position top right corner 

c/p element 2
resize by 30
position at bottom of circle

dropshadow all layers except mask
2,5,50,8, black

c/p element 23

add name, license and copyright information 
delete white background layer
merge visible
crop and save as png

Here are a few examples by the wonderful members of my forum 

By Blanca

by Bee

by Deeva

by DonnaLee