Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice, I am using the beautiful artwork of Maxine Gadd
you can purchase her tubes from CDO Store
Scrapkit - Christmas Magic from Cakes Creations
Filter - Muras Meister - Copies
This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on November 5th 2015
written in psp9 but any version should work
any resemblance to other works is entirely coincidental
Open blank canvas 800 x 800
Copy and paste scene 1 as new layer
resize by 70
copy and paste snow 1 as new layer
make scene 1 active
select all, float, defloat
selections invert
make snow layer active
hit delete on your keyboard
copy and paste flower 1 as new layer
resize by 15
repeat muras meister, copies
image, rotate, left 17
copy and paste snowflake 1 as new layer
resize by 40
muras meister, copies, encirlce, change shift X & Shift Y to 60
copy and paste bells as new layer
resize by 40
copy and paste tube as new layer
resize as necessary
position slightly to the right
dropshadow flowers, snow, bells and tube
2,5,50,8, black
dropshadow snowflakes as before but change opacity to 25
Add name, copyright and license information
merge visible
crop and save as png