
Sunday, 29 November 2015


Supplies Needed: 

Tube of choice, I am using the beautiful artwork of Maxine Gadd
you can purchase her tubes from CDO Store
Scrapkit - Christmas Magic from Cakes Creations
Filter - Muras Meister - Copies

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on November 5th 2015
written in psp9 but any version should work
any resemblance to other works is entirely coincidental

Open blank canvas 800 x 800 

Copy and paste scene 1 as new layer
resize by 70

copy and paste snow 1 as new layer

make scene 1 active
select all, float, defloat
selections invert

make snow layer active
hit delete on your keyboard 

copy and paste flower 1 as new layer
resize by 15
repeat muras meister, copies
image, rotate, left 17

copy and paste snowflake 1 as new layer
resize by 40
muras meister, copies, encirlce, change shift X & Shift Y to 60

copy and paste bells as new layer
resize by 40

copy and paste tube as new layer
resize as necessary
position slightly to the right

dropshadow flowers, snow, bells and tube
2,5,50,8, black

dropshadow snowflakes as before but change opacity to 25

Add name, copyright and license information
merge visible

crop and save as png

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Xmas Shape

Supplies needed

Scrapkit of choice
Font of choice
Eye candy 5 - Impact - Glass
My shape - click to open full size and save to your computer

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on November 8th 2015
written in psp9 but any version should work
any resemblance to other works is entirely coincidental

Open blank canvas 800 x 800 
copy and paste my shape as new layer

select all, float, defloat
copy and paste paper as new layer
selections, invert, hit delete on your keyboard

keep selected

copy and paste several elements of choice
and hit delete on your keyboard each time
to delete any overhanging bits

When happy with your elements, 
invert the selection again, 
new raster layer

effects, eye candy 5 - Impact - Glass
with the following settings

new raster layer,
selections, expand by 4
floodfill with a colour/graident of choice
adjust, add noise 85, uniform, monochrome checked.
selections, contract by 8, hit delete on your keyboard

layers, arrange, send to bottom

hide glass layer
merge visible all other layers

Text Tool
type out your name or initial (doesnt matter what color)
convert to raster
select all, float, defloat, 
make your shape layer active, right click in the layer palette
and promote selection to layer
delete the text layer

On the promoted selection layer 
apply the following inner bevel twice

you can now move your text to your liking within the shape
or leave it where it is, its upto you!

Unhide the glass layer

copy and paste any other elements you wish
to decorate the shape
dropshadow 2,5,50,8,black

merge visible
crop and save as png.

Here is another example

Giving Thanks

Supplies needed :
Tube of choice - I am using the awesome artwork of Elias Chatzoudis
which you can find HERE
Scrapkit from Sweet as Honey HERE
My Mask 99 from my blog HERE
My Wordart - Save from bottom of post


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on October 31st 2015
written in psp9 but any version should work
any resemblance to other works is entirely coincidental


Note:  c/p = copy and paste as new layer
d/s = dropshadow

Open blank canvas 800 x 800 
floodfill white

c/p paper 4 as new layer
apply mask
merge group

c/p autumn leaves
rotate right 30
position at bottom of mask layer

c/p cornucopia 
resize by 60 
position bottom right 

c/p turkey 1
resize by 60
position in the middle at the bottom

c/p apples-1
resize by 60
position to the left of the turkey
drag this layer below the turkey layer

c/p acorns
resize by 60 twice
position bottom right
just on top of cornucopia

c/p sparkles-1
position on top of all other elements

D/s all elements except sparkles
2,5,50,8, black

c/p tube as new layer
resize as necessary
position to the left
drag tube layer below all element layers

c/p my wordart
resize by 80
position top right next to your tube

Add your name, copyright and license information
delete white background layer
merge visible
crop and save as png.


Supplies needed: 

Tube of choice - I am using the dark elf tube from No Flutter
Font of choice
Filters - Eye candy 4, corona
Muras Meister, copies
Xero, Fritillary


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on October 13th 2015
written in psp9 but any version should work
any resemblance to other works in entirely coincidental


Open blank canvas 750 x 250

copy and paste tube as new layer

Effects - Muras Meister, Copies
Wallpaper, Rotate default settings
if there are gaps in your copied result, 
duplicate the layer, image flip & mirror
merge down

adjust, blur, motion blur
strength 100, angle 225

effects, Xero, Fritillary
granularity 5, aggression 73, tesselation 24, variation 39

selection tool, circle, feather 0, mode Add
draw out 4 or 5 circle selections, some going off the edge of the canvas if you like
selections invert
hit delete on your keyboard

effects, eye candy 4 corona
glow width 17, flare size 9, stretch 100
waver 23, blur 0, overall opacity 82
color, choose one that matches your tag (mine was light purple)
draw only outside selection ticked

copy and paste tube again 
position to your liking in the middle of your tag
adjust, blur, gaussian blur 8
set blend mode to screen

preset shapes tool, rectangle, background color one that matches your tag
draw out a slim rectangle from left to right across the middle of the tag
convert to raster, change blend mode to overlay
drag this layer below your circles

merge all

new raster layer
floodfill black
select all, contract by 2
hit delete

Add your name and copyright information
merge all (flatten)
Save as  jpg

To make matching avatar

selection tool, custom selection
top & left 0, right & bottom 200
edit selection, use your move tool to position the red box
to your liking on your tag
edit selection, copy

paste as new image
new raster layer
floodfill black
select all, contract by 2
add name and cr again
merge all 
save as jpg


Supplies needed:

Tube of choice - I am using the beautiful artwork of Keith Garvey
which can be purchased from his store HERE
Scrapkit - Pink for Hope from Manipulated by Magik
My Mask 93 from my blog HERE
My wordart - save from bottom of post


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on October 13th 2015
written in psp9 but any version should work
any resemblance to other works in entirely coincidental


Open blank canvas 800 x 800
floodfill white

copy and paste paper 11 as new layer
apply mask 
merge group

copy and paste frame 2
resize by 80

copy and paste fan 
resize by 60
position on top of frame at the join

copy and paste dove 
resize by 60
position on top of fan so the tail feathers
are just above the rosebud

copy and paste perfume bottle
resize by 40
position to left of fan so handle is just touching the edge of the fan
drag this layer below the fan layer

copy and paste roses 
resize by 50
position on top of perfume bottle but under the fan so the 
white rose is just visible

Make mask layer active 
copy and paste tube as new layer
resize if necessary and position boobies 
in the left side of the frame
erase any parts showing outside of frame
paste tube again and position face in right
side of frame, erase any parts outside of frame

dropshadow all elements except the fan

hide background and mask layer
merge visible

open hidden layers
move merged layer down to the bottom of the mask

copy and paste sparkles as new layer
position on top of merged layer

copy and paste tube again
postion under merged layer to the right

copy and paste wordart as new layer
position to the left above the frame
add a white gradient glow
and a faint dropshadow 2,5,20,10,black

add name, license and copyright information 
delete white background layer
merge visible
crop and save as png.

Feels like Halloween

Supplies needed:

Tube(s) of choice - I am using 3 tubes from Jonathon Raya
Spooky wallpaper of choice - there are some good ones HERE
Wordart (save from bottom of post)
Font of choice - I am using Jellyka Saint-Andrew Queen HERE


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on October 4th 2015
written in psp9 but any version should work
any resemblance to other works in entirely coincidental


open blank canvas 750 x 400

copy and paste spooky wallpaper of choice as new layer

preset shapes tool, rectangle, 
background colour, black
draw out a rectangle in the top left corner
convert to raster
duplicate, image, mirror
dupiclate, position this 3rd rectangle 
in the middle of the other two

make rectangle 1 active
select all, float, defloat
copy and paste 1st tube as new layer
position inside the rectangle to your liking
selections, invert
hit delete on your keyboard
selections, invert
expand by 2
new raster layer, floodfill white
drag white rectangle below the tube and black rectangle

Repeat this two more times with the other
two rectangles and two other tubes

dropshadow each white rectangle 

New raster layer at top of layer palette
flood fill white
select all, contract by 2
hit delete

preset shape tool, rectangle, 
foreground colour to white, line size 2
background colour null
draw out a rectangle from left to right
in the space between the tubes and the bottom of the tag
convert to raster

magic wand, feather 0
click inside the rectangle
new raster layer, floodfill white
lower opacity to 25

Make bottom layer active (the one under your wallpaper layer)
floodfill with a gradient made from two colours from your tubes
mine was red and blue, linear, angle 132, repeats 0
Change blend mode on Wallpaper layer to luminance (L)

Back to the top of your layer pallete
copy and paste wordart as new layer
position inside the rectangle at the bottom, to the left
add a gradient glow of choice, one that matches your tag

Add your name & copyright information 
merge all
save as jpg