
Sunday, 15 March 2015

Monochrome Angel

supplies needed:

Tube of choice - I am using a beautiful Angel from Zindy
You can purchase a license to use her tubes from Her store here
My Monochrome Scrapkit HERE
Mask of choice - I used this one HERE
Font of choice


OK lets begin!!

Note - c/p = copy and paste as new layer
d/s = dropshadow 2,5,50,8, black

open blank canvas 700 x 700 
floodfill white

c/p paper 5
apply mask
merge group

c/p frame 2
resize by 60

using your deform tool, resize your mask layer
so it fits nicely with your frame
I rotated by 90,  duplicated and flipped & mirrored it

c/p element 39
resize by 60
rotate left 30

c/p tube close up
position to left of frame
erase excess poking out from behind frame
change blend mode to screen
(or luminace if using a coloured tube)

c/p tube above frame layer
resize to fit
position to right

d/s frame and scatter element

Add name and copyright information
delete white background layer
Merge visible
save as png.

Thats it your done!!

This tutorial written by Mizteeque on 8th March 2015
Any resemblance to other works in purely coincidental and untintentional

Diamond Beauty

Supplies needed:

Tube of choice - I am using the beautiful Skull & Rose tube from Arthur Crowe
You can purchase a license to use his tubes from his Store Here
My scrapkit - A Hint of Goth HERE
mask(click to open full size)

Filters - Eye candy, Gradient Glow 
Tramage, Moving screen
Font - Times New Roman


OK lets begin!!

Note: c/p = copy and paste as new layer
d/s = dropshadow

Open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

preset shape tool - Diamond
choose 2 colours from your tube (I used red & black)
and make a fore/back gradient
linear, angle 45, repeats 3

draw out a large diamond in the middle of your canvas
convert to raster
select all, float, defloat, invert

c/p tube
position inside selection
hit delete on your keyboard

new raster layer
selections expand by 4
floodfill with one of your gradient colours
add noise, 54, gaussian, monochrome
drag this layer down below your original diamond
close off white background
merge visible
Add a fat white gradient glow
d/s 0,0,50,8,black

resize by 70
rotate left 13
move up to top left of tag
image, mirror
merge down

drag this layer below original diamond
Tramage - moving screen 
frequency - 16
highlights - 18
amount - 131
mode - 64
addative 1 - 133
addative 2 - 24
lightener - 13
transparency - 0


c/p element 4
resize by 60
position left from bottom point of diamond
along left edge
image mirror

c/p element 16
resize by 30
postion on bottom point of diamond, very slightly to the right
image mirror

c/p element 15
resize by 30
rotate right 90
position on top of two red roses

c/p element 18
resize by 60
rotate right 8
drag down below diamond and to the right so it pokes 
out from behind it
image mirror

drop shadow all elements 
2,5,50,8, black

make white background active
c/p paper 9
apply mask 
merge group

Add name
I used Times new roman, size 28, black
add a white gradient glow

delete white background layer
merge visible
crop & save as png.

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 2nd March 2015
Written in psp9 but any version should work
any similarity to other works is purely coincidental and unintentional

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Irish Pup

Supplies needed:

Animal Tube of choice - I am using the cute puppy by Kajenna 
You can purchase this tube from Pics for Design
My St Pattys Day scrapkit HERE
Mask 63 HERE
Font of choice I am using P22 Kilkenny HERE


OK lets begin!!

Note: c/p = copy and paste as new layer
d/s = dropshadow 4,6,50,8,black

Open blank canvas 700 x 700 
floodfill white

c/p element 38
resize by 40, move to the left sightly
duplicate and hide this layer for now
d/s original clover layer 4,6,50,8,black

c/p element 37
resize by 150

c/p tube, resize to fit your tag
I moved mine down under the hill layer
and positioned to the right slightly

c/p element 5
rotate left by 60
using your deform tool
squash it down a bit
then hold down ctrl and hover over the top left node
and drag inwards a bit

c/p element 20
resize by 40
position to the right

c/p element 9
resize by 34
position right just in front of harp

c/p element 11
resize by 70
position so it looks like its coming
from the harp, move this layer down
to just above the white background layer

Now remember that duplicated clover we hid
unhide it 
resize by 80
image mirror and bring it up to just under
your harp layer, position so its poking out
from behind the harp

make your background layer active
c/p paper 9
apply mask
merge group
duplicate mask layer at least 4 times
(its a bit faint otherwise)
Merge all mask layers together and
using your deform tool bring the bottom of the
mask up a bit

Add your name and copyright information

delete white background layer
merge visible
crop and save as png.

thats it your done!!

Here are some more gorgeous examples made 
by the wonderful members of my forum Taggers Inn

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 22nd February 2015
Written in psp9 but any version should work
any similarity to other works is purely coincidental and unintentional

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Dark Passion

Supplies needed:

Tube of choice - I am using the gorgeous artwork of Jennifer Janesko
You can purchase her tubes from CDO
My Cluster HERE
A dark red scrap paper (optional)
Font of choice


Open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

c/p paper as new layer (or floodfill a new layer with a dark red colour)
apply mask 
merge group
resize by 80 and move to the left a little
image mirror, image flip
merge the two mask layers together

c/p cluster frame as new layer

c/p close up tube
drag below your frame layer
position to your liking in the right side of the frame
erase any extra showing on the outside of the frame
change blend mode to hard light

c/p tube as new layer
position to your liking in the left hand side
of the frame, but leave the head above the frame
erase the bottom half of the tube, the bit sticking out
below the frame 
duplicate tube
Drag duplicate above frame layer
erase the bottom half of the tube layer
and any bits that hide the cluster

Dropshadow the bottom tube layer
2.5,50,8, black

Add name and copyright information
delete white background layer
Merge visible
Crop and save as png

Thats it your done!!

Tutorial written by Mizteeque on 7th February 2015
Written in psp9 but any version should work
any similarity to other works is purely coincidental and unintentional

Bloomin' Spring

Supplies needed:

Tube of choice - I am using the beautiful artwork of Arthur Crowe
You can purchase his tubes from his store Arthur Crowes Factory
My Bloomin' Spring scrapkit HERE
Font of choice 
Eye Candy - Gradient glow (optional)


OK lets begin!!

Note: c/p = copy and paste as new layer
d/s = dropshadow 2,5,50,8, black

Open blank canvas 700 x 700
flood fill white

c/p element 2,
dropshadow 25,4,30,15, black

c/p paper 3

c/p element 13
resize by 60
d/s 2,5,50,8, black

magic wand
click inside the frame
expand selection by 5
on paper 3 layer hit delete 

Make curled torn paper layer active

c/p elements 20, 25, 17 & 14
resize by 60
position around top left hand corner of frame
sticking out slightly, to your liking
drop shadow these elements 2,5,50,8, black

Make frame layer active 

c/p elements 15, 19, 24, 
resize by 40
c/p elements 8 (resize 30), 6 (resize 20)
position bottom right corner of frame
to your liking, you may wish to mirror 
and/or rotate some of them a little
try to end with the white flower on top
so it hides the stems of the others
d/s as before

c/p element 42 (or 43,44,45 whichever you like most)
resize by 30
position on at bottom of cluster of flowers

c/p element 36
position so it flows from bottom left of frame
across the flowers
erase the extra bits so that only 3 'bloomin springs' are left
add a pink gradient glow or a pink dropshadow 0,0,100,5,pink & repeat

c/p element 22
resize by 60
position top left of frame

Make paper layer below frame active
c/p tube
erase any parts sticking out from behind the frame
change blend mode to burn
duplicate change blend mode to hard light

Add your name and copyright information
delete white background
merge visible
save as png

Tutorial written by Mizteeque on 11th February 2015
Written in psp9 but any version should work
any similarity to other works is purely coincidental and unintentional

Everybody Needs Somebody

Supplies needed:

Tube of choice - I am using Black Pearls tube from the delightful Zindy
you can purchase her tubes from her store Zindy Zone
Wordart of choice - I used THIS freebie from Escape From Reality
Font of choice - I used Century Gothic

Filters: - jeans & VTR2
Eye Candy 4000 - Gradient glow
Toadies - What are you
Xero - Radiance


OK lets begin!!

Note:  c/p = copy and paste as new layer
d/s = dropshadow 2,5,50,8,black

Open blank canvas 800 x 800
floodfill white

preset shapes tool
rectangle, background colour a light one from your tube
draw out a long rectangle vertically in the middle of your canvas
convert to raster

resize by 80
move to the left so there is a gap between the two rectangles
duplicate, image, mirror

resize by 60 (do not move)
duplicate, image, mirror

now add a white gradient glow to each rectangle layer

make large rectangle active
select all, float, defloat, contract by 3, invert
c/p tube 
position to your liking and hit delete on your keyboard

make left medium rectangle active
select all, float, defloat, contract by 3, invert
c/p tube, resize by 80
hit delete, deselect
duplicate tube, image, mirror
layers, arrange, move up

make right small rectangle active
select all, float, defloat, contract by 3, invert
c/p tube
hit delete, deselect
duplicate tube, image, mirror, 
layers, arrange, move up

now go back and d/s all your rectangle layers

make first tube layer active (the main one)
effects, - jeans default settings
effects, xero, radiance default settings

make left medium tube active
change blend mode to luminance legacy
effects, - vtr2
distance 49, width 1, contrast 169, ghost 0

repeat for right medium tube

choose your wordart 
c/p as new layer, position to your liking
select all, float, defloat, 
new raster layer
floodfill with a gradient made from two colours from your tube
new raster layer
expand selection by 1
floodfill with a dark colour from your tube
layers, arrange, move down
add a white gradient glow to the dark outline and d/s
delete original wordart layer

delete white background layer
merge visible
effects, toadies, what are you
default settings
layers, arrange, move down

add your name and copyright
merge visible
crop and save as png

Thats it your done!!

Tutorial written by Mizteeque on 25th Jan 2015
Written in psp9 but any version should work
any similarity to other works is purely coincidental and unintentional