supplies needed:
Tube of choice - I am using a beautiful Angel from Zindy
You can purchase a license to use her tubes from Her store here
My Monochrome Scrapkit HERE
Mask of choice - I used this one HERE
Font of choice
OK lets begin!!
Note - c/p = copy and paste as new layer
d/s = dropshadow 2,5,50,8, black
open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white
c/p paper 5
apply mask
merge group
c/p frame 2
resize by 60
using your deform tool, resize your mask layer
so it fits nicely with your frame
I rotated by 90, duplicated and flipped & mirrored it
c/p element 39
resize by 60
rotate left 30
c/p tube close up
position to left of frame
erase excess poking out from behind frame
change blend mode to screen
(or luminace if using a coloured tube)
c/p tube above frame layer
resize to fit
position to right
d/s frame and scatter element
Add name and copyright information
delete white background layer
Merge visible
save as png.
Thats it your done!!
This tutorial written by Mizteeque on 8th March 2015
Any resemblance to other works in purely coincidental and untintentional