Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice I am using the beautiful artwork of
Misticheskaya, which you can purchase from Pics for Design
Quickpage from Feli Designs HERE
my masks 137 & 141 HERE
Filter Factory G - Xaggerate
Font - Diane De France HERE
This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 1st January 2017 and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental
Open quickpage
shift D to duplicate
close original
Resize by 19
duplicate layer twice for a total of 3
rename them 1,2,3 from bottom to top
hide layer 1
On layer 3
image, mirror & flip
move so the hole in the middle is completely covered
merge down
Effects - Filter Factory G - Xaggerate
apply Miz_mask 137
merge group
unhide layer 1
drag this layer to top of layer palette
apply Miz_mask 141
merge group
make bottom layer active
copy and paste tube as new layer
resize to fit
drag to top of layer palette
using your selection tool or eraser
remove the bottom half of the top tube
so it looks like it is sitting behind
the flowers, but in front of the ribbon
You can also remove any parts of the bottom tube
that are poking out too much.
dropshadow bottom tube
Add name, copyright and license information
merge visible
save as png