
Sunday, 13 December 2020

Christmas Cheer

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 29th November 2020, in psp9 and assumes a working knowledge of psp.
any similarity to any other works is unintentional and purely coincidental

Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice - I am using the beautiful artwork of Alex Prihodko 
which you can purchase from PicsForDesign 
Christmas Scrapkit of choice (you will need a red paper and some greenery at least in the kit) 
Mask of choice Font of choice


Open blank canvas 
700 x 700 floodfill white
c/p paper of choice 

apply mask 
merge group

open red paper and choose it as your background pattern 
in your materials palette, foreground null
preset shapes, circle, line width 0 
hold down the shift key and draw out a circle in the middle of your canvas 
objects - align - center in canvas 
convert to raster 

select all, float, defloat, 
expand by 5 
new raster layer 
floodfill with red 
add noise 100%, gaussian, monochrome 
repeat noise 

drag below the red paper layer merge the two layers together
dulplicate twice, 
resize both duplicates by 80 
move one up and left, 
move the other down and right 
making sure the large frame is still on top and in the center

magic wand, feather 0, 
click inside the large frame 
expand by 5 
c/p paper of choice, 
drag paper below frame

make left small circle active 
c/p some greenery/tree
repeat for right small circle 
add other elements of choice above the greenery 
but below the large center frame

add your tube resized to fit nicely on top of all other layers 
add some wordart if you wish 

add your name, license and copyright information 
delete white background layer 
merge visible 
crop and save as png

Saturday, 5 December 2020

Xmas Ella

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 14th November 2020, and assumes a working knowledge of psp.
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental.

Supplies needed:
Tube of choice - I am using the beautiful artwork of Misticheskaya 
which you can purchase from PicsForDesign 
Scrapkit - Vintage Winter from GOF designs HERE 
Mask chmask_fecnikek (4) HERE 
Font of choice


Open blank canvas 400 x 300 
c/p paper 3 
 c/p tube, 
resize to fit position to the left of the canvas 
duplicate adjust - blur - gaussian blur 6 
change blend mode to screen 
duplicate & mirror both tube layers 
new raster layer flood fill with color of choice 
add noise, 100, uniform 
select all, contract by 2, 
merge all

I will call this canvas "tuberec" for the purpose of this tutorial 
put this aside for a moment we will come back to it 

 Open blank canvas 700 x 700 
floodfill white 

 c/p paper 6 
apply mask 
merge group 

 open blank canvas 500 x 500 
c/p paper 3 
selection tool - circle, feather 0 
draw out a selection to cover the entire center of the canvas 
copy & close the canvas without saving 
 paste as new layer on top of mask 
select all, float, defloat 

new raster layer 
flood fill with color of choice 
add noise 100%, uniform 
contract selection 5, 

 go back to tuberec - copy paste as new layer on top of circle on main canvas

 c/p element 20, 
resize 40, 
 duplicate twice, 
mirror one of them place in a line under tuberec, 
but so some is poking out from behind the top of it 

c/p tube, 
resize to fit, 
position in center of tag 

 element 39, resize 25, 
duplicate several times, 
position along bottom of tuberec but on top of main tube 

I used elements 4, 11, 25, 33, 38, 59, 73, 89 & 106 resized and positioned
 along the bottom of your tag to your liking 
covering the bottom of the tube 

 add name, license and copyright information 
delete white background layer 
merge visible 
crop and save as png

Christmas Joy

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 5th December 2020, and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental.

Supplies needed:
tube of choice - I am using the beautiful artwork of  VeryMany
which can be purchased from the store Very Many Tubes
Scrapkit - As The Wind Blows from Horseplays Pasture
My frame (save from bottom of post)
Mask of choice
Font of choice

Open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

c/p paper 15, apply mask
c/p frame, resize 30
c/p the following elements under the frame layer
elements 12, 46, 61, 18, 22, 21 - all resized by 50
duplicate, mirror, flip, rotate as you see fit
and make a cluster of the elements around the frame
dropshadow all elements

Make frame active
magic wand, click inside the frame, expand by 5
click delete on each element layer
invert selection

c/p tube close up as new layer just under the frame layer
resize as necessary, position to the left side of the frame
change blend mode to hard light
duplicate, adjust blur, gaussian blur 8, change blend mode to screen

c/p full tube above frame layer
resize as necessary

elements 18, 19, 26, 34, 37, 38, 66, 
(and anything else you would like to use)
resized appropriately and position along the bottom of
the tag to your liking

dropshadow all elements

add some wordart if you wish

add name, license and copyright information
delete white background layer
merge visible
crop and save as png

(click to open full size and save)

Saturday, 28 November 2020

Pink Christmas


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 28th November 2020, in psp9 and assumes a working knowledge of psp.
any similarity to any other works is unintentional and purely coincidental

Supplies Needed:

Tube of choice - I am using the beautiful artwork of Alec Rud
which can be purchased from Pics For Design
Scrapkit - Rennies Winter from Pink Paradox Productions
(this was a FTU kit but the site is now closed so please use whatever you have)
Mask of choice
Font of choice

open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

c/p paper 14
apply mask
merge group

frame 9, resize 30, rotate left 6, move up the canvas a little

el 60, resize 30, position top right corner, drag under frame
duplicate, mirror & flip and move just under bottom left corner of frame

el 61, resize 40, position top left corner, duplicate, mirror and flip
move to just under bottom right corner of frame

el 59, resize 30, rotate right 20, position along bottom of frame
duplicate, flip, rotate left 30, position along top of frame

make frame layer active
magic wand, feather 0, mode add
click inside the frame, expand by 3
now click on each of the element layers and hit delete
add dropshadow to all elements

hide white background and mask layers
merge visible
unhide white background and mask layers

magic wand, click inside the frame again, expand by 3
invert selection
c/p tube, resize as desired, position face in the selection
duplicate, adjust blur, gaussian blur 8
change blend mode on original tube to hard light
change blend mode on blurred tube to screen
paste tube again, mirror, resize as desired (I resized 20)
and moved my tube just to the right of the frame
gaussian blur 8, blend mode overlay

dropshadow as you go along
el 20, resize 28,
el 47, resize 20,
el 37, resize 20,
el 30, resize 15
el 22, resize 22

make a cluster across the bottom of your tube/tag with the elements
I duplicated the poinsettia and placed one behind the sleigh
add any other elements you wish

el 72, resize 40
add a nice gradient glow and dropshadow

add your name, license and copyright information
delete white background layer
merge visible

Crop and save as png

crop and save as png

Sunday, 12 July 2020


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 1st July 2020, in psp9 and assumes a working knowledge of psp.
This tag was inspired by an image I saw on pinterest, there was no copyright or artist details to credit
the supplies I have either made myself or are various items I have collected 
over the years and are © free as far as I am aware

Supplies Needed:

My mask - Miz_Mask_284 

open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

c/p ocean b/g
move right a little
apply mask
merge group

resize 120
adjust-blur-motion blur-angle 0, strength 100

Now activate your raster deform tool
use the following settings

mode • scale
pivot x • -346
pivot y • 256.50
position x • -495
position y • -20
scale x(%) • 135.86
scale y(%) • 70
perspective x • 0
perspective y • -62.04
shear • -31.02
angle • 0

now on original mask layer,
select all, float, defloat, invert
then back to the blurred layer and hit delete a couple of times

c/p book
move down a little

c/p seapages
position on top of book
covering the text on the pages

c/p rocks
position on left page

c/p lighthouse
resize 60
position on rocks

duplicate rocks
layers-arrange-bring to top
position in front of bottom of lighthouse
and erase a little to make it look like the 
lighthouse is sitting among the rocks

c/p lightbeam
position so its coming from the top of the lighthouse
drag down layer palette so its beneath the lighthouse layer
lower opacity to around 80

c/p sailboat
layers - arrange-bring to top
resize 12
position on right page, so its in the lightbeam

c/p seagull
resize 12
position to your liking high in the sky 

now make your mask layer active
duplicate and drag it above your book layer
freehand selection tool, feather 35ish
draw out a selection around the top 3/4 of the mask layer
hit delete a few times 
reposition if necessary to make it look like the book edge is in the ocean

add your name
delete white bg layer
merge visible
crop and save as png

Sunday, 5 July 2020


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 21st June 2020, and assumes a working knowledge of psp.
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental.


Supplies Needed:

Tube of choice - I am using the gorgeous artwork of Misticheskaya
which can be purchased from Pics for Design
My Scrapkit - Stars and Stripes
My Mask - Miz_Mask_345
Font of choice

Filter - - Jeans

open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

c/p paper 11
apply mask
merge group
resize 70, duplicate
move one up and left a little 
move the other one down and right a little
merge down

c/p el 58
resize 50
position top left

the following elements are all pasted below the frame
we will erase any parts showing inside the frame later

el 47, resize 15, duplicate twice, position around the frame to your liking
el 35, resize 40, duplicate, flip, mirror, position to your liking
el 19, 20, & 55, resize 20, duplicate, position to your liking
drop shadow all the above elements 2,4,50,9,black

now make frame layer active, 
magic wand, feather 0
click inside frame, expand selection by 5
now hit delete on each element
keep selected

c/p tube as new layer,
position so face is in the selection, hit delete, 
duplicate tube, 
adjust - blur - gaussian blur 9
change blend mode to screen
effects - - jeans - default settings

c/p tube again
layers - arrange - bring to top
resize to fit nicely 
position in middle of tag

I used the following elements and positioned to my liking
around the bottom right area of the tag
drop shadow all elements as before

el 75, resize 30
el 73, resize 15
el 69, resize 15
el 56, resize 30
el 35, resize 40
el 16, resize 24
el 23, resize 10
el 36, resize 15
el 25, resize 10
wa4, resize 30
wa3, resize 20

add name, license and copyright information
delete white background layer
merge visible
crop and save as png


Here are some more examples made by the incredible members
of my forum Taggers Inn

By Shell

By Wally
by Jenn

by Carolyn

Wednesday, 13 May 2020


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 13th May 2020, and assumes a working knowledge of psp.
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental.


Supplies HERE & HERE

open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

c/p tagback as new layer
select all, float, defloat
invert selection
c/p DandelionWallpaper (we will call this DW )
resize 29 (position so the right dandelion is in the middle of your frames)
hit delete on your keyboard
duplicate (we will call this DWD)

c/p frame as new layer
selection tool, point to point, feather 0
click around the outside edge of your frame
invert selection
on your DWD layer
hit delete on your keyboard

make DW layer active
selection tool, freehand, feather 35
draw a rough selection around the dandelion
promote selection to layer
then hit delete on the DW layer

lower opacity of promoted layer to 50
lower opacity of DW layer to 64
On DWD layer, adjust, hue/sat/light 
make sure all values are set to zero then change 
just the saturation level to 40

make frame layer active
c/p stitches
resize 60
lower opacity to around 80
duplicate x 2
position 1 along the top of the frame
position 2nd across the middle fold of the frame
and the 3rd across the bottom edge of the frame

c/p dandelion seeds
resize 50
dropshadow, 2,2,40,2,black
position top right

c/p dandelion clump
resize 70
position at bottom of frame
same dropshadow as before

select round and c/p wordart

add your name
delete white background layer
merge visible
crop and save as png

Sunday, 19 April 2020

Forest Elf

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 20th February 2020, and assumes a working knowledge of psp.
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental.


Supplies needed:

Tube of choice - I am using the beautiful "Forest Elf 3" from Very Many
Font of Choice
My supplies HERE

 L en K Zitah HERE
Graphics Plus HERE

Open blank canvas 700 x 500
floodfill with gradient made from 2 colors from your tube
new raster layer
floodfill white
apply mask
merge group
merge visible

open blank canvas 700 x 250
floodfill with gradient
paste as new layer, change blend mode to luminance legacy
effects - graphics plus - horizontal mirror default settings
Merge Visible
copy and paste shape as new layer
select all, float, defloat, 
on raster 2, promote selection to layer
delete shape layer

on promoted layer
effects - L en K Zitah, 5,10,0,60,60,60,0,30

copy and paste misted image

copy and paste tube as new layer
resize and position to your likeing

new raster layer, floodfill with gradient
select all, contract by 3
apply favourite bevel

add name, license & copyright information

merge all
save as jpg

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Steamin' Along

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 3rd January 2020, and assumes a working knowledge of psp.
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental.


Supplies needed:

Tube of choice - I am using 'Steampunk 7' from VeryMany
Scrapkit - 'Steamin Along' from Tagcatz Design (8th kit down)
Mask 6 from Fecnikek Valentine pack
Font of choice

Open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

c/p paper 4
apply mask
merge group

select all, float, defloat, invert
c/p el 11
hit delete
change blend mode to overlay

el 29, move down below the mask layer
and down the canvas a little so its showing 
just under the mask a tiny bit

frame 3, resize 40, top right corner

el 39, resize 30, top left corner

el 28, resize 30, position on bottom of frame 3, 

el 34, resize 30, layers - arrange - move down, repeat
image effects - offset - H-134, V26
duplicate, offset - H110, V-168

el27, resize 20, offset - H78, V-122

c/p tube under frame, resize to fit
erase any that is showing outside the frame
change blend mode to overlay

paste tube again, bring to top of layer palette
resize to fit, erase the bottom of the tube if necessary 
so its not overhanging the bottom of the tag.

el 28, resize 40, rotate right 90, position at bottom of tube

el 47, resize 20, bottom left of tube

el 26, resize 15, bottom right of tube

el 25, resize 15, place in front of previous element

add another other elements you like

add name, license & copyright information
delete white background
merge visible

crop and save as png

Precious Valentine - forum set

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 3rd January 2020, and assumes a working knowledge of psp.
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental.


Supplies needed:

Tube of choice - I am using the beautiful artwork of Misticheskaya 
which can be purchased from Pics For Design
Any scrapkit or elements of choice (I used a valentine kit)
Font of choice

Open blank canvas 700 x 250

c/p paper of choice
resize to fit if necessary

c/p several flowers
resize to fit
duplicate, mirror, flip, rotate
each one a few times and position
across the bottom of the canvas to 
your liking
d/s each one

(I used 5 different flowers, and duplicated each one at least 3 times)

repeat with some greenery
place within the flowers to your liking

hide the paper layer
merge visible

duplicate, mirror
move the layer up around 40/60 pixels
layers - arrange - move down

add any other elements you wish

c/p tube, resize to fit
position between the two flower layers

new raster layer
flood fill with a gradient made from two colors from your tag
linear - angle 45, repeats 15
select all, contract 5

effects - texture effects - blinds
width 2, opacity 60, color dark one from your tag
horizonal checked
repeat but uncheck horizontal

magic wand, click inside the frame
flood fill white, contract 2

add name, license and copyright information
merge all
save as jpg

Make a matching avatar if you wish

Some more examples made by the members of my group 
I just love how they are all so different!

by Gigi

By Lisa

By Kathy

By Deeva

Vintage Valentine

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 30th December 2019, and assumes a working knowledge of psp.
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental.


Supplies needed:

Tube of choice, I am using the beautiful artwork of Jennifer Janesko
which I purchased from CILM when it was open but you can now 
purchase from CDO
My Mask 288
My Supplies HERE
My Wordart (save from bottom of post)

Open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

c/p flower cluster 1, resize 15
muras meister - copies - encircle
number 15, shift x & y 70

c/p flower 2, resize 30
repeat muras
rotate left 5
layers - arrange - move down

c/p frame, resize 38
magic wand, feather 0, click outside the frame
expand by 3, invert selection
on both the flower layers hit delete once

c/p flower cluster 2, position bottom left

paste tube as new layer
resize and position as necessary
erase the bottom of the tube so it looks like
it is coming out from the frame

c/p paper
apply mask, merge group
resize 108
move down layer palette to just above the white background 

c/p wordart

add name, license and copyright information
delete white background layer
merge visible
crop and save as png

(click to open full size and save)