This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 13th October 2019, and assumes a working knowledge of psp.
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental.
Supplies needed:
Tube of choice - I am using the incredible artwork of Enys Guerrero
which can be purchased from CDO
My Supplies HERE
Mask 0071 from Viviennes Paintbox
Font of choice
open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white
c/p paper
apply mask
merge group
resize 90
frame, resize 20, move right so the skull on the mask is showing
leaves, resize 30, mirror, position along left side of
frame so just covering the skull on the mask a little
drag below the frame
cloud, position at bottom of frame with the hard edge
lined up with the inside of the frame
moon, resize 50, drag down so its just above the mask layer
image effects - offset H-90 V0
change blend mode to luminance legacy
skulls, resize 50, position bottom of frame,
gothic font, resize 50, position to the right of the skulls
book, resize 50, position in front of skulls
web, resize 50, position so it looks like its hanging from the frame,
making sure the dangling spider is showing just below the book
you may wish to duplicate it for extra definition
make moon layer active
c/p tube, resize and position as necessary inside the frame
erase any that is showing outside the frame
change blend mode to luminance legacy
adjust, blur - gaussian blur 9 - change blend mode to hard light
and lower opacity to around 78
dropshadow all elements except the moon
add your name, license and copyright information
delete white background layer
merge visible
crop and save as png
NOTE: once you delete the white background layer your moon will change color
if you want it to stay grey, then you will need to colorize it before merging
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