Supplies needed:
Tube of choice - I am using the beautiful artwork of Arthur Crowe
which can be purchased from the store HERE
My supplies HERE
Font of choice
Open supplies
shift & D to duplicate the template
close original
layer 2, select all, float, defloat,
c/p paste paper 1, resize 70, invert, delete
delete original layer 2
layer 4, repeat same as layer 2 but with paper 2
layer 6, select all, float, defloat,
new raster layer, floodfill with pink/white gradient
linear, angle 49, repeats 2
keep selected
copy and paste large tube as new layer,
invert selection, delete
change blend mode to luminance legacy
adjust blur - gaussian blur 9
change blend mode to screen
lower opacity on both tube layers to around 50
copy and paste smaller tube as new layer
mirror, position to your liking
c/p the roses, position along the bottom of the large oval
erase any of the tube sticking out from the bottom of the roses
c/p clouds, position across the flowers
on BCA layer, select all, float, defloat
new raster layer
floodfill with pink
new raster layer
effects - eye candy 5 impact - glass
with the following settings
expand selection by 2
back on the BCA layer, floodfill white
copy and paste sparks, move down a little
copy and paste sparks, move down a little
Add your dropshadows
Add your name, copyright and license information
delete white background layer
merge visible
crop and save as png