
Sunday, 17 March 2019

Kiss me i'm Irish

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 17th March 2019 and assumes a working knowledge of psp.
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental

Supplies Needed:

Tube of choice - I am using the gorgeous artwork of Misticheskaka which 
can be purchased from Pics For Design
My supplies HERE
Font of choice

Open blank canvas 700 x 250
floodfill with gradient, linear, angle 0 repeats 0
colors #acbd64 & #6ead93

c/p shamrock 1, change blend mode to screen, lower opacity to 80
c/p shamrock 2, change blend mode to screen, lower opacity to 64

c/p just the rainbow from your tube
position in bottom left corner of tag, blend mode screen, opacity 74
(if using a different tube you can skip this step)

c/p net, position agains the left edge, blend mode overlay

c/p large tube, position left hand side of tag so just the face is showing
blend mode overlay, opacity 62

paste tube again, resize 35, mirror, blend mode soft light, opacity 78

c/p wordart, move to the right slightly, blend mode screen
select all, float, defloat
new raster layer
dropshadow 2,2,64,7,black, lower opacity to 20

c/p tube one more time, resize 50
position just to the left of the wordart 
dropshadow 2,5,30,11,black
adjust, blur, gaussian blur 11
change blend mode to screen

new raster layer, floodfill with a dark green
select all, contract 1, delete
floodfill with white, contract 1, delete

add name, license and copyright information
merge all (flatten) 
save as jpg

Saturday, 9 March 2019

Dark Forest Patsy

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 24th February 2019 and assumes a working knowledge of psp.
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental


Tube of choice - I am using the stunning artwork of Misticheskaya which
can be purchased from Pics For Design
My Supplies HERE
Font of choice

Place Miz_StPatLights & Miz_StPatSunburst presets in the
'My PSP Files' - Presets folder

Open all other supplies in psp

open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

c/p bg1, 
Layers - new mask layer - from image - find the mask in the dropdown list
invert checked.
apply mask, merge group, resize 90
select all, float, defloat
c/p bg2, invert selection, delete
change blend mode to dodge, lower opacity to around 50

c/p tube, resize 30
duplicate, adjust blur, gaussian blur 13
change blend mode to multiply

on the blurred layer
effects - illumination effects - lights - use the preset I supplied

effects - illumination effects - sunburst - use the preset I supplied

c/p light1, position behind tube in the gap between her
arm and head so its like the sun is shining through

c/p light2,  on top of both tube layer and blurred layer
image effects, offset, H54, V130, Custom, Transparent

c/p dark grass, position in front of tube, just to the left a little
duplicate, drag down the layer palette to just above the mask layers
mirror and move up a little so its just showing over the top of
the tubes knee

make sure you are now on the top layer

c/p pot of gold, resize 30, position bottom right in front of her knee, dropshadow
duplicate, adjust, blur, gaussian blur 13, change blend mode to multiply,
lower opacity to 77

c/p rainbow, position so its coming out of the pot of gold and looks like
it disappears behind the tubes back.

c/p harp, mirror, position behind the tube on the left

add name, copyright and license information
delete white bg
merge visible
crop and save as png

Here are some more examples made by
the members of my forum Taggers Inn

Both the previous tags made by Deeva

Made by Marie

Monday, 4 March 2019

Your Smile

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 18th February 2019 and assumes a working knowledge of psp.
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental


Tube of choice I am using the beautiful artwork of VeryMany which
can be purchased from the store HERE
I used 2 close ups and one smaller tube
My supplies HERE
Font of choice - Vtr2

Open blank canvas 700 x 300
c/p texture

c/p 2 close up images of your choice
position one either side of the canvas
lower opacity of both to around 44
and change blend mode to overlay on both

(Note: as you go along you may find you want to duplicate the texture layer,
erase, rotate, mirror etc to get the look you like.  I actually duplicated it about
4 times and erased parts until I achieved the look I wanted)

c/p small tube (resize if necessary)
position right in the middle
adjust - blur - gaussian blur 13
change blend mode to overlay 
lower opacity to around 70
dropshadow original tube layer

c/p word art
position to the left a little
change blend mode to dodge
duplicate, change blend mode to screen

c/p sparkles
drag down layer palette to just above your texture layer

merge visible
adjust - blur - gaussian blur 13
effects - - vtr2 default settings
change blend mode to screen
lower opacity between 50 - 60

c/p sparkles again, mirror and move to the right slightly

c/p texture once again
new raster layer
select all, image, crop to selection

On texture layer
select all, contract by 5

adjust - add noise - gaussian 34, monochrome
magic wand, click inside the frame you just made
floodfill black, contract 1, delete
dropshadow your frame

add name, license and copyright information
merge all flatten
save as jpg

To make matching avatar

custom selection 
top & left 0
bottom and right 175
edit selection
move to a place of your liking on the banner
edit selection 

paste as new image
make a frame for it as you did on the banner
add name, license and cr
merge all
save as jpg


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 27th January 2019, and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental

Tube of choice I am using the awesome artwork of Enys Guerrero
which you can purchase from CDO
Scrapkit - Eternal from Art of Rene Kunert
Maskset145_Mask2 from Rachel Designs
Font of choice

open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

c/p paper 6
apply mask
merge group

c/p fra-13
resize 80
rotate right 30
move up a little to line up with the mask

c/p fra-12
resize 70

make fra-13 active
select all, float, defloat
make fra-12 active
erase some of the frame inside the selection
so the ivy shows and makes it look like its
intertwined through the frame.

c/p ele 105
resize 40
position top left corner of frame

c/p ele 113
resize 40
position bottom middle of frame
duplicate, merge down

c/p tube
resize as necessary
position inside the frame and erase any excess showing outside

add name, license and copyright information
delete white background
merge visible
crop and save as png

Here are some more examples made by
the members of my forum Taggers Inn

By Marie

By Wally

By Lisa

By Penny


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 3rd February 2019, and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental

Tube of choice I am using the awesome artwork of Zindy
which you can purchase from the store HERE
My supplies HERE
Font of choice
Miz_mask179 HERE


open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

c/p paper, apply mask, merge group

c/p overlay, lower opacity to 64, change blend mode to luminance

c/p frame, duplicate, rotate right 4, image flip, dropshadow both

c/p stitches, position along bottom right of frames, 
so the look like they have been stitched together, dropshadow

c/p flower cluster, resize 30, position bottom left corner of frames, dropshadow

c/p tube under frames, resize and position in right side of frame
to your liking, erase any showing outside of the frames but leave any that is 
showing inside the left frame
change blend mode to luminance (legacy)

duplicate, adjust blur, gaussian blur 7, change blend mode to hue

add name, license and copyright information
delete white background layer
merge visible
crop and save as png

Sweet Like Candy - Forum Set

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 12th January 2019, and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental

Tube of choice - Preferrably one with a close up
I am using the artwork of Elias Chatzoudis
which can be purchased from CDO although mine was 
purchased from MPT when it was open.
Font of choice
Filters -, Muras Meister, Tramage


open blank canvas 700 x 250

c/p large tube
muras meister - copies - wallpaper (rotate), default settings

adjust, blur, gaussian blur 15 - jeans - 22, 4


image effects - offset - H-145, V0

Tramage - gradient/spokes ratio maker, 168

image effects - offset - H145, V0

selection tool, custom selection
top & left 0, right 495, bottom 250

duplicate, image mirror
selection tool, rectangle, feather 16-20 (ish)
draw a small vertical rectangle just covering the sharp edge
hit delete several times

c/p large tube
position so she covers the edge of the left spokes
change blend mode to screen

c/p small tube
mirror and position so she covers the edge of the right spokes

custom selection - left 0, top 30, right 700, bottom 60
new raster layer, floodfill with a color from your tag
image, flip
merge down, 
change blend mode to mulitply (or what looks good on your tag) and drag below your small tube

text tool - font of choice - color white
type out SWEET LIKE CANDY (or other saying/words of your choice)
 several times until it fits across the tag
and inside one of the small rectangles we just made.
convert to raster
change blend mode to overlay and drop opacity to around 60
duplicate and position one in each of the rectangles

merge all
new raster layer
floodfill with a color from your tag
select all, contract by 3, delete

add name, copyright and license information
merge all
save as jpg

To Make Matching Avatar

custom selection
top & left 0
bottom & right 175
selections, edit selection, move to a part of your tag that you like
edit selection, copy, deselect

paste as new image
new raster layer
floodfill with same border color
select all, contract by 3, delete
add name, cr and license
merge all
save as jpg

Here are some more examples