
Thursday, 19 July 2018

A Moment In Time

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 19th July 2018 and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental


supplies needed: 

Tube of choice - I am using the beautiful artwork of Kajenna
which can be purchased from the store HERE
Scrapkit - A Moment in Time from Pink Paradox Productions
Mask - MizMask246 HERE
font of choice


Open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white
c/p paper 18
apply mask
merge group

c/p paper 12
apply mask again
merge group
resize 105
adjust blur, gaussian blur, 5
drag below first mask layer

c/p frame 6 
resize 60

element 17
resize 70
drag below frame
erase the hands and middle bit of the clock
change blend mode to multiply

Dropshadow as you go

element 92, resize 60
position along bottom of frame

element 80, resize 50
position along right side of frame
drag below blue flowers

element 104, resize 50
position to the right on top of pink flowers

element 20, resize 40
position on left side of frame
you may want to rotate it slightly to the right

element 32, resize 25
position bottom left of tag

element 78, resize 25, 
position just in front of right leg of clock

element 79, resize 20
position behind clock to the left
duplicate, mirror
position just to the right of the pink flower

c/p tube 
resize as necessary
drag down to just above frame layer
erase any that is showing under the flowers

add name, copyright & license information
delete white background
merge visible
save as png

Black Wolf

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 19th July 2018 and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental


supplies needed:

tube of choice - I am using the beautiful artwork of VeryMany
which can be purchased from the store HERE
scrapkit - A kiss for luck from Pink Paradox Productions
Mask HERE - just right click and save
font of choice


open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

c/p paper 22
resize 80
apply mask
merge group
resize 90

element 95
resize 40
position to the right so the handle is lined up with edge of mask

element 59, resize 40
position in front of pump so the spout is directly 
over the hole in the watering can

element 163, resize 40
position in front of watering can
dupliate, mirror
drag watering can to top of layer palette
freehand selection tool, feather 13
draw a ragged selection along the bottom of the can
hit delete a couple of times, to make it look like the
can is standing in the grass

element 162, resize 60
position at bottom of tag
drag below the pump layer

element 159, resize 30
position in front of pump

element 152, resize 30
position to the left

element 125, resize 40
drag down layer palette so its under the pump layer
position to the left behind the mushroom

element 3
resize 15
position to your liking
duplicate and position somewhere else on your tag

d/s all elements

c/p your tube
resize as necessary
position to your liking

add name, copyright and license information
delete white background layer
merge visible
save as png

Monday, 16 July 2018

Champagne Secret

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 16th July 2018 and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental


Supplies needed:

Tube of choice - I am using the beautiful artwork of Very Many
which you can purchase from the store HERE
Template 843 from Millies PSP Madness
Scrapkit - Champagne Secrets by Pink Paradox Productions
Font of choice

Filters - Eye Candy 5 Impact
Muras Meister Copies


Open template
shift D to duplicate, close original

delete credits layer

layer 10, select all, float, defloat
c/p paper 6
resize 60
invert selection 
invert selection
new raster layer

effects, eye candy 5 impact - glass with the following settings

merge glass layer with paper layer
delete raster 10

repeat for layers 1 & 2 using paper 41

repeat for layer 3 using paper 17

repeat for layer 4 using paper 11

layer 5, select all, float, defloat
c/p paper 1
invert selection
delete layer 5

c/p frame 5
resize 55

merge layers 6,7,8,9 together
select all, float, defloat
c/p paper 40
invert selection 
keep selected
c/p paper 15
invert selection
contract by 3
expand by 3
c/p tube
position in one of the cirlces
invert, delete
paste tube again
position in the next circle
repeat for the last 2 circles

if you need to, erase any parts of 
the tubes that overlap in the other circles
merge all 4 tube layers together
change blend mode to luminance legacy
move down one layer so they are under the gold circles
but on top of the black circles

delete original layer

hide the top 3 layers

c/p element 114
resize 15
Muras Meister, copies, with following settings

c/p element 123
resize 15
repeat copies
rotate, right 13
d/s both flower layers

c/p tube
resize as necessary
bring to top of layer palette
erase any that is hanging over the bottom of the tag

I used the following elements for my tag
most on top of the tube layer and arranged to my 
liking at the bottom of the tag

el 140 
el 136 
el 133 
el 126 
el 116 
el 118 
el 131 
el 155 
el 21 
el 22 
el 28 
el 34 
el 45 

dont forget to dropshadow as you go

when you are happy with the placement of all your
elements, merge visible

add your name, copyright and license information
merge visible
save as png

Saturday, 14 July 2018

Framed Grunge

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 13th June 2018 and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental


Supplies needed: 

Tube of choice I am using the beautiful artwork of Very Many
You can purchase the same tube as me from the store HERE
My supplies HERE
Font of choice


open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

c/p grunge texture
mirror and flip

c/p grunge clockwork
resize by 60

c/p one of the grunge film strips

c/p grunge texture 2
move to the left slightly
change blend mode to overlay

c/p tube
drag down below your frame
selection tool, point to point, feather 0
select around the edge of the frame
on tube layer delete

duplicate tube layer twice
change blend mode of bottom & top tube to overlay
change blend mode of middle tube to screen
(if using a different tube to me you may need to 
play with the blend modes to get the result you want)

c/p grunge clock
resize 50
position bottom left
change blend mode overlay

add name, copyright and license information
delete white background layer
merge visible
crop and save as png

Below are some more examples made by the members of my forum Taggers Inn

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Forest Dark

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 3rd July 2018 and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental


Supplies needed:

Tube of choice - I am using the stunning artwork of Enys Guerrero
which can be purchased from CDO
My supplies HERE
Font of choice

Filters -


open blank canvas 700 x 450
floodfill with a gradient made with
two colors from your tube, linear, angle 90, repeats 6
I used the blue from the butterfly and the pink from the rose in her hair

copy and paste gold diamonds
resize by 70
image effects - image offset - horizontal 350, vertical 10, transparent
merge down

selection tool, custom selection
top 0, left 250, right 450, bottom 450
selections, modify, feather by 60
hit delete 3 or 4 times

pen tool, lines & polygons
line style - dot
line width - 2
draw a straight line from top to bottom
through the 2nd intersection of diamonds on the left
(as per below screenshot)

convert to raster
merge down

copy and paste tube as new layer
duplicate three times (total of 4)
rename them 1,2,3,4 from bottom to top

copy and paste gold rectangles as new layer
magic wand, feather 0, mode add 
click inside the middle rectangle
invert selection
on tube layer 3, delete
invert, deselect

magic wand, 
click outside all the rectangles, inside the outer rectangle, and inside the middle rectangle
on tube layer 2, delete

tube layer 1 - blend mode - multiply
tube layer 2 - blend mode - normal
tube layer 3 - blend mode - luminance legacy
tube layer 4 hide for now

tube layer 2, apply, vtr2 default settings
merge visible
(you should now have 2 layers, a merged layer and the hidden tube layer 4)

copy merged
paste as new layer
crop this image down to the gold rectangles
copy and paste onto original canvas, resize by 30

image effects, image offset
H -270, V 0, transparent & custom checked

unhide tube layer 4
mirror, change blend mode to screen, lower opacity to 30
position tube along left edge

merge all
new raster layer
floodfill with gold texture
select all, contract by 2

add name, copyright and license information
merge all flatten
save as jpg