This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 25th November 2017 and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice, I am using the beatiful artwork of Nocturne
You must have a license to use the same tube as me
you can purchase this from Pics for Design
Cluster 3 HERE from Dreamworld Design
My Mask 203
Other supplies HERE
Font of choice
I used paper 23 from This Kit but any black and gold paper/gradient could be used
open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white
c/p paper 23 as new layer
resize by 70
apply mask
merge group
image, mirror & flip
move down a bit
c/p cluster 3 as new layer
resize by 60
erase as much of the frame as you can
you dont have to be exact as we are going to cover
any bits left
c/p gold frame
resize by 60
position under cluster and to the right a little
move down and to the left so its showing under the
cluster at the bottom
c/p black flower
resize by 20
position at the bottom, covering any frame that is left
c/p glitter ball
resize 20
position under the black flower but to the right a little
c/p "im ready for 2018" layer of WA 2018
position along bottom of tag
Make cluster active
c/p tube as new layer
resize to fit
erase any that is showing at the bottom of your tag
and make sure that part of the tube is covering any
frame that is left showing on the cluster
c/p gold sparkles
resize 60
rotate, mirror, flip both layers
until you have them positioned to your liking
adjust, sharpeness, sharpen more, twice on both layers
reposition anything you wish now
add name, copyright and license information
delete white bg layer
merge visible
save as png
To Make The Avatar
Open blank canvas 200 x 200
copy your finished tag
paste as new layer on avatar canvas
position so some of the cluster is showing
c/p large "2018" from WA 2018
paste as new layer
resize to fit
new raster layer
select all
floodfill with a gold color
contract selection by 2
hit delete on keyboard
add noise, 100% gaussian, monochrome
add name
merge all flatten
save as jpg
Here are some more examples made by the members of Taggers Inn
Made by Deeva
Made by Suzie