
Tuesday, 26 September 2017


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 10th September 2017 and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental

Supplies needed

Tube of choice - I am using a FTU tube from Cris Ortega
Cluster frame by Sweet Temptations
Filter Factory A
Eye Candy 4000
Muras Meister Copies


open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

copy and paste cluster
muras meister, copies
wallpaper rotate - default settings

Filter Factory A - Kaleidoscope II
divisions 184, rotations 16
You should end up with an 8 pointed
star shape in the middle of canvas

selection tool
point to point, feather 14
mode (add)
starting at the top of a point
select in a zig zag around the
points of the star shape

invert selection
hit delete on your keyboard 
a couple of times

Eye candy 4000 - corona
change the color to light green from
center of star
width 35, all other settings default

paste cluster again 
resize by 90

copy and paste tube as new layer
drag below cluster
erase any that is showing outside the cluster

dropshadow cluster

add name, copyright and license information
delete white background layer
merge visible
save as png

Here are some more examples made by members of my forum Taggers Inn

Autumns Delight

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 27th August 2017  and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental

Supplies needed

Tube of choice - I am using the gorgeous artwork of Misticheskaya
which can be purchased from Pics for Design
My Scrapkit - Autumn Delight HERE
My mask 166 HERE
Font of choice


open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

c/p paper 7
apply mask
merge group

c/p paper 1
apply mask again
merge group
image, flip & mirror
merge down

c/p element 40
resize by 70
rotate right 5

c/p element 14
resize by 50
erase the stem and move to the bottom
of the mask layer

c/p element 3
resize by 30
drag down below and to the right of the flower
duplicate, image, mirror

duplicate flower
resize by 50
mirror and position down and left a little
image, mirror
drag below the first leaf layer
position so its just showing from behind the top of the leaf

c/p element 4
resize by 15
drag to top of layer palette
resize by 80
position one in front of the other
next to small flower

dropshadow all elements
2,5,50,8, black

c/p tube 
resize to fit nicely
drag down layer palette so its just above the frame
erase any that is showing from behind the elements

add name, copyright and license information
delete white background layer
merge visible
save as png

Here are some more examples made by the members of my forum Taggers Inn

So Grave!

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 8th August 2017  and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental

Supplies needed

Tube of choice - I am using the beautiful artwork of Kurama Phoenix
which can be purchased from CDO
Mask1 from set 90 by Rachel Designs
Supplies HERE
Font of choice
Eye candy 4000 - Corona


Open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

copy and paste background image as new layer
apply mask 1
merge group
resize 90

copy and paste moon as new layer
adjust, brightness/contrast
brightness 95, contrast 20
image, flip
position over the moon in the mask

copy and paste flock as new layer
resize by 40
position so some birds are across the moon

copy and paste cloud 1,2 & 3 as new layers
position at the top of tag, so some cover the 
bottom of the moon.

copy and paste cobbles as new layer
position at bottom of tag

copy and paste tower as new layer
resize 24

copy and paste tree as new layer
reseize 35
position to the left of tower
image, mirror
resize 70
drag below the tower and position to the right

copy and paste roses as new layer
resize 50
position just in front of tree

copy and paste tombstones as new layer
resize 50
position to the right of the tower

copy and paste tube as new layer
resize to fit

copy and paste skulls as new layer
resize 15
position bottom left

copy and paste skull as new layer
resize 25
position in front of other skulls

open birds and select around just one of them
copy and paste it as a new layer
eye candy 4000, corona
change color to a grey/blue color from the clouds
glow width 16, overall opacity 70, all other settings default

dropshadow all elements except clouds
2,5,50,8, black

add name, copyright and license information
delete white background layer
merge visible
save as png

Here are some more examples made by my members over at Taggers Inn


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 9th August 2017  and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental

Supplies needed

Tube of choice - I am using a FTU tube by Soa Lee
Square(ish) mask of choice
Filter Factory D - Vertigo
Font of choice


open blank canvas 700 x 700

copy and paste tube as new layer
muras meister - copies
wallpaper rotate default settings

effects - filter factory d - vertigo
default settings

custom selection
left & top 0
right & bottom 200
selections, edit selection
move to an area you like
edit selection
paste as new layer

Select all, float, defloat

copy and paste tube again
resize to fit nicely in the square
invert selection
invert again, 
expand by 2
new raster layer
floodfill white
contract 2

hide bottom layer
merge visible

unhide bottom layer
apply mask
merge group

make small square active
rotate right 35
move to top right corner or tag

resize 70
move down a little so its overlapping the first one
resize 70
move down so its overlapping the 2nd one.

copy and paste tube again
move to the left

Add name, copyright & license information
merge visible
save as png

Cogs - Forum set

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 9th August 2017  and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental

Supplies needed

Tube of choice - I am using a FTU tube by Cris Ortega
Filters (all can be found HERE )
L&K site of wonders - Adonis & Zitah
Filter Factory J - Drink to me
Eye Candy 5  - Glass
Supplies HERE


open blank canvas 650 x 250
floodfill with graident made from two colors from your tube
linear, angle 0, repeats 1

copy and paste tube several times and
position so the whole cavnas is covered 
merge all tube layers together

Selections, custom selection
left & top 25
right 625
bottom 225
hit delete on your merged tube layer

new raster layer
select all, crop to selection
delete layer

select all, float, defloat
effects - filter factory J - Drink to me
overdose 156
effects - edge effects - enhance more

invert selection
on bottom gradient layer

effects - l&K Adonis
control 0 - 6
control 1 - 25
all others default

effects - L&K Zitah
control 0 - 5
control 1 - 9
all others default

copy and paste tube
make sure it is the top layer
adjust, blur - radial blur
twirl, strength 100, twirl degrees 0
horizontal/vertical offset 0
protect center 50
(NOTE:  if using a different tube you may need to play around with the horizontal/vertical offset to get a nice blur)

duplicate, image flip & mirror
merge down

custom selection
left 525, top 75, right 575, bottom 175
move the blurred layer so the center is
in the center of the selection
invert, delete
effects, eye candy 5 impact, glass
use a setting that looks good to you
change blend mode to overlay (or whatever looks good to you)

image, mirror
merge down
select all, float, defloat
expand 2
new raster layer
floodfill with the light color from your gradient
contract 2

dropshadow, 2,2,60,5,black

copy and paste cogs
they should be in the right position but if not
move them so they are sitting around the rectangles
we just made

copy and paste tube

add name, copyright and license information
merge all, flatten
save as jpg

Here are some more examples made by my lovely members over at Taggers Inn

Remember - forum set

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 1st August 2017  and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental

Supplies needed:

Tube of choice (im using one holding a stringed instrument)
I am using the stunning artwork of Enys Guerrero which can be purchased from CDO
My Srapkit Memory Maker
Supplies HERE
Font of choice


open blank canvas 650 x 250

c/p paper 5 
drag it down and to the left so the 
light part at the top of the paper is

c/p element 37
resize 30
colorize hue 22, Saturation 101
position bottom left corner
duplicate, flip
d/s both
merge down

c/p premade cluster
position bottom left corner
under element 37
so the edges line up with the edge of the tag

c/p tube
position to the right
adjust, blur, gaussian blur 8
change blend mode to screen, lower opacity to 70
d/s original tube

c/p wordart 3 & 6
resize both by 30
position one under the cluster at the top, rotate left slightly
position the other one above the cluster but under the 
corner element at the bottom, rotate right slightly

merge visible

new raster layer
floodfill dark brown
select all, contract by 2
floodfill beige
contract by 2
floodfill dark brown
contract by 2

add copyright & license number
merge visible

Now to animate

If you are not using the same tube as me, then choose a part 
of your tube that you can animate - strands of hair, jewellery

freehand selection tool, feather 0, point to point, mode Add
zoom in and select round the strings on the violin

adjust, add noise 40, uniform, monchrome

Open animation shop
paste as new animation

back to psp
hit the undo button twice
repeat the noise but change to 41
in AS paste after current frame

repeat twice more but change noise to 42 & 43

save as gif

Here are some more examples made by my lovely members at Taggers Inn