
Sunday, 2 April 2017


Supplies needed:

Tube of choice - I am using an Elias Chatzoudis tube that I purchased from MPT 
You can find the same tube at CDO
My Scrapkit Seacove
My Mask 066 HERE
Other supplies HERE
Font of choice


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 26th March 2017  and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental


OK Lets begin!

Place mask in your masks folder
Open supplies in PSP

Open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

copy and paste paper 13 as new layer
apply Miz_mask066
merge group

copy and paste element 28
resize by 50
duplicate twice
position one to the left a little
one to the right
and one down a bit

copy and paste element 29
resize by 110
position just to the left a little

copy and paste tube as new layer
resize to fit

(you may want to move your sand about
to make it look like your tube is 
sitting nicely on the sand)

copy and paste element 1
resize by 50
position bottom left of tube
position behind tube to the right

copy and paste treasure chest
resize by 40
position bottom right of tube

copy and paste element 30
resize by 30
position just in front of chest

copy and paste element 26
resize by 50 twice
position behind the chest and grass

dropshadow all layers except mask

copy and paste wordart if you like

add name, copyright and license information
delete white background
merge visible

crop and save as png