
Sunday, 26 March 2017

Broken Heart

Supplies needed:

Tube of choice - I am using one of Zindy's stunning free tubes
Scrapkit Miss You from Chaos Priestess.
My mask 160 HERE
Font of choice


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 13th March 2017  and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental

open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

copy and paste paper 5 as new layer
apply Miz_mask_160
merge group

copy and paste Wire as new layer
resize by 70
rotate left 70

copy and paste FrameEl01 as new layer
resize by 60

erase wire showing inside frame
merge frame and wire together
move up your canvas a little
dropshadow 2,5,50,8,black

copy and paste wordartEl01 as new layer
resize by 70
position below the frame
apply a white gradient glow 

make mask layer active

copy and paste tube as new layer
resize to fit nicely inside the frame
erase any showing outside the frame
change blend mode to multiply if using a the same tube as me
if using a color tube, change blend mode to luminance (legacy)

Add name, copyright and license information

delete white background layer
merge visible
save as png

Starry Night

Supplies needed:

Tube of choice - I am using This little cutie from Laguna over at Pics for Design
You must have a license to use the same tube.
My Scrapkit Starry Night
My mask 153 HERE
Font of choice
Xenofex 2 - Constellation


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 6th March 2017  and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental

Place mask in your masks folder
open supplies in PSP

open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

copy and paste paper 5 as new layer
apply Miz_mask 153
merge group

copy and paste element 28
select all, float, defloat,
expand selection by 4
new raster layer
floodfill white
drag white layer below the star crescent layer
dropshadow 2,5,50,8,black

copy and paste tube as new layer
resize to fit nicely on your star crescent

copy and paste element 37 as new layer
resize by 50
position along bottom of star crescent
position top left of star crescent 
and drag below it

Add name, copyright and license information

Now duplicate the mask layer twice
on the original mask layer
xenofex 2 - constellation
Star size 2
star variation 14
edge star density 7
overall star density 0
overdrive 100
twinkle amount 75
rotation 45
keep original image - checked

repeat for the two duplicated mask layers
ensuring you hit the Random seed button each time

hide the top two mask layers
copy merged

Open animation shop (as)
paste as new animation

back in psp, 
hide star crescent bottom layer
unhide middle one
copy merged

in AS, paste after current frame

back in psp, 
hide middle star crescent layer
unhide top one
copy merged

in AS, paste after current frame

save as gif.

Here are some more examples made by the members of my forum 





Bubble Name

Supplies needed:

Font - Cumulus HERE
Eye candy 5 Impact


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 5th March 2017  and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental

open blank canvas 100 x 100

preset shapes - ellipse
foreground null, background (color of choice)

Hold down the shift key and draw out a
circle so it covers as much of your canvas
as possible
convert to raster layer

Open blank canvas 700 x 500
paste as new layer
close the first canvas without saving

select all, float, defloat
eye candy 5 Impact - glass with the following settings


selection tool, circle, feather 12
draw a circular selection in the middle
of your circle but only about half as big

adjust, brightness & contrast
brightness 53, contrast 27


Duplicate your circle as many times as 
there are letters in your name
hide them all but the first one

text tool - Cumulus font - size 64
type out the first letter of your name in uppercase
in a different shade of your circle color
position the letter in the middle of 
your circle, convert to raster
dropshadow 0,0,50,8, black
merge down with your circle

repeat for the remaining letters of your name
each one on a seperate circle

once you have your done them all, position 
them slightly overlapping each other in a wavy line so it
spells out your name
You could move them up or down the layers if you wish.

once you have them arranged how you like them
dropshadow each circle 2,5,50,8, black
merge visible

preset shapes tool - ellipse
foreground null, background a lighter shade of your circle color
draw out between 3 & 5 circles over the top of 
each other to make a cloud shape, convert to raster

select all, float, defloat
contract by 10
selections, modify, feather 10
adjust brightness & contrast
brightness -39 contrast 27

repeat but make the 2nd cloud a different shape

position both clouds under your name to your liking
dropshadow the clouds

preset shapes tool - ellipse
draw out around 20 tiny circles in varying 
sizes and colors (to match your tag of course)

convert to raster
lower opacity to 40
image, mirror & flip
position one to the left and one to the right
under your name but above the clouds

merge visible
crop and save your tag as png

Here are a couple more examples made by the members of my forum 

Wednesday, 8 March 2017


Supplies needed:

Tube of choice, I am using the beautiful artwork of Kajenna
which you can purchase from Pics for Design
My Scrapkit - Daydream
Font of choice
Eye candy 4

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 21st February 2017  and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental

open blank canvas 700 x 250

copy and paste paper  11 as new layer
image rotate, left 90
drag down so the swirly leaves are showing nicely along the top of your tag

copy and paste element 58
resize by 60
eye candy 4 - corona
13, 21, 100, 23, 0, 100
color #daebfb
draw only outside selection checked
duplicate layer
flip, mirror & rotate the 2 layers as desired
so they are across your canvas nicely
merge together

copy and paste element 61
rotate left 59
position bottom right corner

copy and paste element 57
rotate left 45, position bottom right corner
so the stem is coming from the corner
apply corona effect as before but change 
glow width to 5

copy and paste wordart 7 (or your choice)
select all, float, defloat
copy and paste paper 21
invert, delete
delete wordart layer

position along the bottom of tag and to the left slightly

make copy and paste tube as new layer
resize to fit
position to your liking, 
change blend mode to screen
drag down layer palette to just above the merged small dandelions

Add name, copyright and license number

new raster layer
floodfill with light blue
select all, contract by 2

merge all flatten
save as jpg


Supplies needed: 

Tube of choice - I am using the beautiful artwork of Alehandra Vanhek
which you can purchase from Pics for Design
My template 9 HERE
My mask 123 HERE
Font - GramophoneNF & 1 other of your choice
Eye candy 5

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 19th February 2017  and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental

NOTE:  There will be a lot of "select all, float, defloat"
in this tutorial, so I will abbreviate it to SAFD

Open template, shift D to duplicate, close original.
delete credits layer

resize all layers 85
then canvas size 700 x 700

make bg layer active

copy and paste paper 09 as new layer
apply mask
merge group

make swirl layer active (raster 7)
copy and paste paper 02 as new layer
invert selection
delete original layer
new raster layer
expand by 3
floodfill white
dropshadow 0,0,50,3,black

On each of the following layers 
raster 3, 4, 5, 2 & 6

paste paper 02 as new layer
delete original layer

Circle layer
copy and paste paper 04 as new layer
paste tube as new layer
position to your liking within the selection
change blend mode to luminance (legacy)
delete original circle layer

grey 1, grey 2 & rectangle layers
paste paper 07

repeat for grey 3
but use paper 09, resized by 50

back to your rectangle layer
paste your tube 3 or 4 times
across the rectangle
delete on each tube layer

merge the tube layers together
change the blend mode to screen

copy and paste element 03
duplicate, flip
position one above top right rectangle
and the flipped one above bottom right rectangle
dropshadow 2,5,50,8,black

copy and paste element 11
resize by 60
position under the glittered rectangle layer
so its poking out beneath it but still within
the circle below
dropshadow 2,5,50,8,black

dropshadow all glittered layers

delete white bg layer
merge visible all other layers

text tool
Gramaphone font, size 72, black
type out the word SPRING, right across the 
rectangle in the middle
drag it out so it fills the rectangle before
converting to raster

on merged layer, promote selection to layer
Keep selected and create a new raster layer above the text layer
eye candy 5 Impact - glass with the following settings
65, 100, 0, 10, 20, 50, 41, 0, 12, 2
inside selection checked
glass color white

delete text layer

on promoted selection layer
change blend mode to multiply
(duplicate if you like it a bit darker)

Add name in the empty bottom right rectangle
add copyright and license information
merge visible
save as png.

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Supplies Needed:

Tube of choice - I am using the gorgeous artwork of Barb Jensen
which you can purchase from her store HERE
Fonts - Great Victorian Swashes & Distant Stroke HERE and HERE
Eye Candy 4

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 6th February 2017  and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental

open blank canvas 700 x 250
copy and paste tube as new layer
duplicate several times and position 
all over your canvas so there are no gaps
merge visible

adjust - blur - motion blur
angle 61, strength 100

duplicate layer

selection tool - rectangle, feather 0
draw out a rectangular selection from top to bottom
anywhere on your tag,
Image, mirror
change blend mode to burn (or whatever suits your tag)

copy and paste tube as new layer
move to one side of your tag (let or right, its your choice)
dropshadow 2,5,50,8,black
duplicate tube
image mirror
change blend mode to screen
lower opacity to around 75

(With the tube I used, I copied the dragon arm tattoo
and pasted as a new layer, then positioned it in the
bottom left corner of my tag)

Now move the "burn" rectangle layer to the top
of your layer palette
image, rotate, left 90
use your deformation tool to squash it down so its thinner
and drag it out from one side so its longer

Position the vertical rectangle halfway across your tube
position the horizontal rectangle across your tube about 3/4
of the way down it, going off the edge of your tag
but not right to the bottom of the tag, leave enough room for borders

new raster layer
floodfill with color of choice
select all, contract by 6
expand by 2
floodfill black
expand by 2
invert floodfill with 1st color again

Add name
Great Victorian Swashes, size 72
light color from your tag
type out your name
convert to raster
Add a nice inner bevel
Add a gradient glow, use the fat setting but 
change the colour from white to a lighter shade 
of the same color you used for the name
glow width 3
opacity 75

Change font to Distant Stroke, size 48
color black
type out your name again
add the same gradient glow as before
opacity 100
position this name on top of the first one

Add copyright and license information
merge all, flatten
save as jpg


Supplies Needed:

Tube of choice - I am using the stunning artwork of Enys Guerrero
which you can purchase from CDO store
My Minikit - Dare to Dream
My Mask 152 - HERE
Font of choice


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 30th January 2017  and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental

Open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

copy and paste paper 4 as new layer
apply mask
merge group

copy and paste element 3
resize by 50
position off center to the left

copy and paste element 2
resize by 50
position bottom right of cage

copy and paste element 13
resize by 50
position slightly right and down in front of the previous element

copy and paste element 15
resize by 35
rotate left 32
position along the bottom of the cage

copy and paste element 20 
resize by 30
position just in front of the cogs and tape
bottom right corner of the cage

copy and paste element 19
resize by 20
position just to the left of the previous flower

copy and paste element 4
resize by 50
rotate left 32
position in front of flowers

Open paper 2
selection tool - rounded rectangle - feather 0
draw out a square selection in the middle of the paper
close paper

Make your mask layer active 
paste the square you just copied
select all, float, defloat
contract selection by 30

If your square is too big, resize it to fit your tag nicely
you want it to fit nicely behind all the other elements
without sticking out too much

rotate right 22

magic wand, click inside your frame
expand selection by 5
copy and paste your tube
position to your liking
invert selection 

drag your tube below your frame
change blend mode to lumincance (l)
adjust, blur, gaussian blur 5
change blend mode to soft light

dropshadow all elements and frame

Add your name, copyright and license information
delete white background layer
merge visible
save as png