
Sunday, 1 January 2017

Vintage Beauty

Supplies needed:

Tube of choice I am using the awesome artwork of Arthur Crowe
which can be purchased from his store HERE
FTU scrapkit Vintage from Dreamland Designs
Eye candy 5 Impact


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 22nd December 2016 and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental


Open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

copy and paste paper 20 as new layer

preset shapes tool - rectangle, line width 12
foreground colour dark brown, background colour null
draw out a rectangle in the middle of your canvas
convert to raster

Eye candy 5 Impact - Chrome
reflection map - Abstract - Penny
leave all other settings at default

magic wand, click inside your rectangle
expand selection by 3
invert selection
on paper layer, click delete

copy and paste lantern as new layer
resize by 50
position top right corner of frame

copy and paste dress form as new layer
resize by 15
position bottom left corner of frame

copy and paste flower as new layer
resize by 50
rotate right 90
position bottom left, erase the stem

copy and paste flowers 2 as new layer
resize by 15
image, flip
drag below the dress form

copy and paste flowers as new layer
resize by 35
rotate right 90
position bottom left, between the dress form
and the flower

copy and paste chicken wire as new layer
drag down under the paper so a little is 
showing outside the edge of the paper
duplicate, image, mirror
duplicate, rotate right 90, position so it can
be seen beneath the flowers
duplicate, image, mirror & flip

make frame layer active
magic wand, click inside the frame
expand by 3
make paper layer active
copy and paste tube as new layer
invert selection
hit delete

Change blend mode on tube to luminance legacy
adjust, blur, gaussian blur 7
change blend mode to screen
reduce opacity to around 75

dropshadow all layers except, paper and blurred tube

add name, copyright and license information
delete white background
merge visible
save as png

Christmas forum set

Supplies needed:

Tube of choice I am using the beautiful artwork of Misticheskaya
which you can purchase from Pics for Design
My Template_89 HERE
Muras Meister Copies
Eye Candy 4000
Font of choice


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 26th November 2016 and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental


Open template
shift D to duplicate, close original
delete credits layer
make bg layer active

copy and paste tube as new layer
muras meister, copies, wallpaper (rotate) default settings

adjust, blur, motion blur, angle 315, strength 100

Paste tube as new layer again
position to the right a little but not entirely behind the rectangles
you may wish to mirror it too
change blend mode to screen, lower opacity to 50ish

paste tube again
resize and position to the left slightly
dropshadow of your choice

make rectangles layer active
select all, float, defloat
paste tube as new layer twice
position one to the left and
one to the right
hit delete on your keyboard on each tube layer
expand selection by 1
back on rectangles layer
floodfill red
add noise, 100%

Make stars layer active
select all, float, defloat,
new raster layer
floodfill red
add noise, 100%
add your favourite inner bevel to the stars
add a fat white gradient glow and dropshadow
delete original stars layer

Make circle border active,
select all, float, defloat, new raster layer
floodfill red, add noise as before
deselect and delete original layer

make circe layer active
select all, float, defloat, new raster layer
floodfill with a red/green gradient, sunburst, repeats 0
make sure the red is in the middle and the green is on the outside
paste tube as new layer
position to your liking
invert selection, delete
change blend mode to luminance (legacy)

Make border grey active
select all, float, defloat, new raster layer
floodfill with red/green gradient, linear, angle 136, repeats 9
add noise if you wish or your fav inner bevel
or both, whatever you like

Add name, copyright and license information
merge all 
save as jpg

Make matching Avatar if you wish


Tube of choice - I am using the beautiful artwork of Zindy
which can be purchased from her store HERE
(note: I neglected to save a copy of my own tag, the example above was made by one of my forum members)
Nature Image HERE
Font of choice
PSP & Animation Shop


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 28th October 2016 and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental

Note:  This tutorial is an animated one. 
If you do not wish to animate then please follow the instructions in blue

Open nature image

Promote background layer to raster
duplicate layer 4 times 

Rename layers from bottom to top 1 - 5

hide layers 2, 3, 4 & 5

On layer 1
effects, illumination effects, Sunburst
color, white
brightness 100
horizontal 3
vertical 12
Rays - density 50, Brightness 50
circles brightness 100

Hide layer 1, 
On layer 2
brightness 76
horizontal 10
vertical 18
Rays - density 26, Brightness 17
circles brightness 75

Hide layer 2
On layer 3
brightness 61
horizontal 18
vertical 24
Rays - density 20, Brightness 17
circles brightness 50

Hide layer 3
On layer 4
brightness 50
horizontal 8
vertical 18
Rays - density 20, Brightness 17
circles brightness 40

Hide layer 4
On layer 5
brightness 42
horizontal 2
vertical 11
Rays - density 20, Brightness 10
circles brightness 40

Hide layers 2 - 5 again
copy merged

Open animation shop
paste as new animation

In PSP, Hide layer 1, open layer 2, copy merged

In AS, Paste after current frame 
make frame 1 active
effects, insert image transition

Choose Fade from drop down box
Animation frame - checked on both sides of preview pane
transition length - 0.5 secs
frames per second - 11 fps

Back to PSP, hide layer 2, open layer 3, copy merged

In AS, make last frame active (7), paste after current frame, 
Make frame 7 active, insert image transition again

Back to PSP, hide layer 3, open layer 4, copy merged

In AS, make last frame (13) active, paste after current frame,
Make rame 13 active, insert image transition again

Back to PSP, hidge layer 4, open layer 5, copy merged

In AS, make last frame (19) active, paste after current frame
Make layer 19 active, insert image transition again

Now goto Edit, select all, or hit crtl & A on your keyboard
Now make frame 25 active, paste after current frame
Animation, reverse frames

Back in PSP

paste your tube as new layer
resize so it fits nicely in the middle of the track
I colorized mine to suit the tag

Add your name, copyright and license information

create new raster layer
floodfill with colour of choice
select all, contract by 3
hit delete on your keyboard

(if not animating then here is where you will merge all and save as jpg)

hide layers 1 - 5
copy merged

In AS, paste as new animation
duplicate to 50 frames
select all, copy

select all on your sunburst animation, paste into selected frames
dont move your mouse, just click and it should paste it exactly 
where you need it to

Save as gif

Another example from one of my forum members Deeva

Wild Stranger

Tube of choice - I am using the stunning artwork of Enys Guerrero
you can purchase this tube from CDO
FTU Sampler kit from Gothic Inspirations

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 17th Oct 2016 and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental
Note: c/p = copy & paste as new layer
d/s= dropshadow

Open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

c/p Mask-GI_WildStranger
resize by 80

c/p frame 3
resize by 65

c/p Moss
resize by 80
position top left of mask

c/p mesh
resize by 70
position to the left slightly
image, mirror & flip

c/p leaves
resize by 50
rotate left 25
position along left hand side

c/p heart 1
resize by 50
position top right

c/p ribbon3
resize by 50
image, mirror & flip
position top right corner

c/p tube
resize if necessary

c/p Smudged
resize by 80
position at bottom

c/p flowers
resize by 50
position bottom left
image, mirror

c/p bling spray
position at top of tag

c/p ShimmerBling
resize by 80
using a soft brush or your freehand selection 
tool set, feather set to around 40, erase any 
that is covering your tube

d/s 2,5,50,8, black
moss, leaves, ribbon, heart, flowers & tube

Text tool, Plague Death font, size 72, colour Black
add your name
Add a light gradient glow

Add copyright & license information
delete white background layer
merge visible

crop and save as png

Sexy Witch

Tube of choice - I am using a Cane Hoyer Witch tube which I purchased
from MPT when it was open.  Any witch/halloween tube will do
My Scrapkit - Halloween Town HERE
Supplies HERE


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 7th October 2016 and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental

Note: c/p = copy & paste as new layer
d/s = Dropshadow

Open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

c/p paper 2
apply mask
resize by 110

c/p element 25
select all, float, defloat
new raster layer
expand selection by 2
floodfill with orange

drag below wordart layer
d/s 0,0,50,8, black

c/p element 2
resposition so its in the center of the wordart

c/p bats
eye candy 4000, Corona
change color to orange
glow width 7.88, flare size 7.77, overall opacity 59
all other settings default

c/p element 14
move to the left slightly
d/s 2,5,50,8, black

c/p element 3
position at bottom of tag
and drag down layer palette to just
above the wordart layer
d/s 2,5,50,8, black

c/p tube
position to your liking
d/s 2,5,50,8, black

Add name, license and copyright information
delete white backgroud layer
merge visible
crop and save as png

Here are a couple of examples from the members of my forum 

By Deeva

By Jbaers