
Monday, 17 October 2016

Fall Fae

Supplies needed:

Tube of choice - I am using the stunning artwork of 
Jasmine Beckett-Griffiths, you can purchase this from CDO
Scrapkit - Autumn is here from Elli's Bilderwelt
Mask - Miz_Mask_148 - Here
Font of choice


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 17th October 2016 and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental


open blank canvas 700 x x700
floodfill white

c/p element 77 
rotate left 90
duplicate twice
move one to the left and one to the right
and the original one up slightly

c/p element 04
resize by 50
rotate left 90
move to the left
duplicate, image mirror

c/p tube
resize as necessary so it fits
nicely in the middle of your elements

c/p element 11
resize by 40
position bottom right

c/p elements 49 & 50
resize by 15
position to the left of the acorns

c/p element 52
resize by 70

c/p element 09
resize by 25
position to left of conkers

c/p element 78
resize by 60
position behind conkers and acorns
I colorized to suit my tag better

c/p element 69
resize by 30
position to the left
image, mirror

c/p element 75
drag down to just above the white background
position to the left so just the feathery fronds
are showing.  Duplicate and move to the right
erase any that is showing from below the rest
of the tag

d/s all layers 2,5,50,8, black
hide white background layer
merge visible

c/p paper 05 above white background
apply mask
merge group
reposition merged layer so its in the middle of the mask layer

add name, copyright and license information
delete white background layer
merge visible
crop and save as png.


Tube of choice - I am using the beautiful artwork of Zindy Nielsen
You can purchase the same tube from her shop HERE
Floating on Air mini sampler from Gothic Inspirations
Mask - Miz_Mask_142
Font of choice

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 24th September 2016 and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental

Open blank canvas 700 x 700 
floodfill white

c/p cluster frame
resize by 80

c/p smudge
resize by 60
image, mirror
drag below cluster and move the right slightly

c/p cluster cloud
resize by 60
position top left, so butterflies are showing 
in the middle of your tag

Make white background layer active
c/p paper 4
apply mask
merge group

using your deform tool, squash the mask down a little
image, mirror & flip
merge down

make cluster cloud layer active

c/p tube as new layer
position to the right, so you can see a portion of it in the frames
and the top of your tube is coming out above the frames
erase any that is showing below the frames
Change blend mode to screen (or what looks good with your tube)

make cluster layer active

c/p candle
resize by 35
position bottom left of cluster
d/s 2,5,50,8,black

c/p brush
resize by 35
position just in front of candle 

c/p leaf2
resize by 40
image, mirror
position in front of brush

c/p wind 
resize by 70
position along bottom of cluster

c/p bling 2
resize by 80
rotate right 90

add name, copyright & license information 
delete white background layer
merge visible
crop & save as png

Autumn Joy

Supplies needed:

Tube of choice - I am using the beautiful artwork of ZlataM
You can purchase the same tube from Pics For Designs
Scrapkit - Autumn Joy HERE
Mask - Miz_Mask_141
Font of choice 
Wordart - Save png file from bottom of this page


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 24th September 2016 and assumes a working knowledge of psp
Written using psp9 but other versions should work just as well
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental


Open blank canvas 700 x 700
floodfill white

copy and paste PP04 as new layer
apply mask, merge group

copy and paste embellie 18 as new layer
resize by 80

c/p embellie 17
resize by 50
position top right corner of frame
and drag below the frame, erase any part showing
inside the frame

c/p embellie 19
resize by 60, position top right corner of frame
on top of tree, erase any part of the clock
showing inside the frame

c/p embellie 17
resize by 80
position along bottom edge of frame

c/p embellie 07
position on top of mushrooms

c/p embellie 05
resize by 50
position top left corner of frame

c/p embellie 03
resize by 50
position left side of frame

c/p embellie 13
resize by 50, position bottom right corner of frame

c/p embellie 23
resize by 60

c/p tube
resize and position to your liking
You may wish to move some of your elements up or down
the layer palette so you tube sits within them 

make mask layer active
c/p tube again (or a close up version)
erase any that is showing outside of the frame
change blend mode to luminance
adjust, blur, gaussian blur 8
change blend mode to overlay
reduce opacity of both tube layers to around 50

copy and paste wordart as new layer
position to your liking

Dropshadow all elements layers except the sparkles

Add name, copyright & license information
delete white background layer
merge visible
crop and save as png