
Sunday, 11 October 2015


Supplies needed:

Tube of choice, I am using the beautiful artwork of Very Many
which can be purchased in the store HERE
Taggers Inn Exclusive Scrapkit "Autumn Expired" 
You will need to be an active member of Taggers Inn to use the same kit
Mask 92 from my blog HERE
Font - Beaked Tyrant HERE


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on October 3rd 2015
written in psp9 but any version should work
any resemblance to other works is entirely coincidental


Open blank canvas 800 x 800
floodfill white

c/p paper 2 as new layer
apply mask 

c/p cluster frame as new layer
resize by 90

c/p element 21 as new layer
resize by 60
position under frame to the left
erase any parts showing inside the frame

c/p tube as new layer
position so face shows nicely inside the frame
erase any parts showing outside of frame
change blend mode to luminance (l)

duplicate tube
adjust, blur, gaussian blur 5
change blend mode to hard light

dropshadow all elements and original tube layer 
(not the duplicate)
2,5,50,8, black

Add name, license and copyright information
delete white background
merge visible
crop and save as png.

Frightfully Delightful

Supplies needed: 

Tube of choice - I am using two halloween themed tubes from Elias Chatzoudis HERE & HERE
3rd Cluster frame down from Melissaz Creationz
Mask set 90 from Rachel Designs
My wordart HERE
Font - Jellyka Castles Queen HERE


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on September 27th 2015
written in psp9 but any version should work
any resemblance to other works in entirely coincidental

OK Lets begin!! 
A quick and simple one this week !!

Open cluster frame, duplicate and close original
Image, resize by 80

new raster layer below frame
flood fill with black/orange gradient, linear, angle 45, repeats 1
apply mask of choice from the pack - I used mask 3

copy and paste tubes as new layers
position to your liking in front of the frame

dropshadow tubes and frame 2,5,50,8, black

Add wordart of choice - I used "Frightfully Delightful" 
and added an orange/black gradient glow

Add name, license and copyright information 

merge visible
save as png.

Autumn Witch

Supplies needed:

Tube of choice - I am using the gorgeous artwork of Arthur Crowe
you can purchase his work HERE
Scrapkit Golden Days of Autumn by Golddust
Mask 093 from my blog HERE
Font of choice


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on September 19th 2015
written in psp9 but any version should work
any resemblance to other works in entirely coincidental

OK Lets begin!!

Open blank canvas 800 x 800
flood fill white

copy and paste paper 8 as new layer
apply mask 93 
merge group

copy and paste window as new layer
resize by 60

copy and paste tree 1 as new layer
resize by 60

position behind window to the right
erase any parts showing on the inside of the window
and the trunk from  under the window

make window layer active

copy and paste gold leaf scatter 5 as new layer
position along the bottom of the window

copy and paste dry flowers as new layer
position along bottom of window

copy and paste acorns 2 as new layer
position top left of window

copy and paste lamp as new layer
position to the left so its just overhanging the left window

copy and paste pumpkin 2 & 3 as new layers
resize by 40
position bottom left of lamp

copy and paste bird as new layer
resize by 60

postion to the right so its sitting on the dry flowers

dropshadow all elements
2,5,50,8, black

copy and paste tube as new layer
resize as necessary
position above window frame but below all other elements
and in front of the right window

add name, copyright & license information
delete white background
merge visible
crop and save as png.