
Sunday, 20 September 2015

Always With You

Supplies needed:

Tube of choice - I am using the artwork of Spazzd Art
which can be purchased from the store HERE
Scrapkit Purple Fragrance Freebie  from Lilas Design
Mask of choice
Font of choice


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on September 5th 2015
written in psp9 but any version should work
any resemblance to other works in entirely coincidental

Open blank canvas 800 x 800
floodfill white

copy and paste element 16 as new layer
resize by 22

c/p element 22 as new layer
resize by 22
position bottom left corner

c/p element 2 as new layer
resize by 15
position middle bottom
duplicate, position on top of purple rose
then drag it down the layer palette so its under the rose

c/p element 12 as new layer
resize by 18
position along left hand side, under the white lace flower
image, rotate right 90
position along bottom of frame

c/p element 1 as new layer
resize by 18
position left hand side on top of element 12

make purple rose layer active
resize by 40
move along the bottom so its showing out from behind the lace flower

Dropshadow all the elements 2,5,50,8,black

hide frame and white background layer
merge visible
unhide hidden layers

duplicate the cluster
image, mirror, 
image, flip
resize by 60
reposition so its on the top right corner of the frame

make white background layer active

c/p paper 2
resize by 22
apply mask of choice

c/p tube of choice
resize as necessary
position so the face shows nicely in the frame
erase any parts of tube showing outside the frame

c/p wordart 1
resize by 22
add a white gradient glow
rotate right 90
position along right hand side

add name and copyright information
delete white layer
merge visible
crop and save as png

Blue Moon

Supplies needed:

Tube of choice - I am using the beautiful artwork of Zindy
You can purchase her tubes from her store HERE
Scrapkit - By the Moonlight from Digicats
My Mask 83 HERE
Font of choice - I am using Angelface
My wordart - at the bottom of this post, right click and save


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on September 1st 2015
written in psp9 but any version should work
any resemblance to other works in entirely coincidental

OK lets begin!

Open blank canvas 800 x 800
floodfill white

copy and paste paper 12 as new layer
apply mask
merge group

Copy and paste element Fairy Dust as new layer

Copy and paste element Fairy Moon as new layer
resize by 70
adjust, hue & saturation, colorize, Hue 132, Saturation 87

copy and paste element Cloud as new layer
resize by 70 position at bottom of moon
colorize as before
duplicate, image, mirror

duplicate again, resize by 70
position at top point of moon

copy and paste tube as new layer,
resize to fit nicely so it looks like its sitting 
on top of the bottom clouds

freehand selection tool, feather set to around 14
make a selection along the bottom of your tube
hit delete several times so it looks like your tube
is sitting "in" the cloud

copy and paste my wordart as new layer
position to the left of the moon

dropshadow all layers except the mask and Fairy Dust
2,5,50,8, black

Add name and copyright information
delete white background layer
merge visible
crop and save as png

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Dream It - Forum Exclusive

Supplies needed:

Tube of choice, I am using the beautiful FTU artwork of Cris Ortega
Scrapkit - What dreams may come  
This kit is a Taggers Inn forum exclusive, you will need to be an active member to download
My Mask 95 HERE
My Template 61 HERE
Font of choice


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on August 27th 2015
written in psp9 but any version should work
any resemblance to other works in entirely coincidental

OK lets begin!

Open template, shift D to duplicate, delete credits, close original

We are going to be doing the following steps on several layers
with different papers

select all, float, defloat
copy and paste paper as new layer
resize by 60
selections invert, hit delete on your keyboard
delete original layer

Layer 7, paper 9

Layer 6, paper 3

Layer 5, paper 1, resize by 60 twice

Layer 2, paper 9

Now add a white gradient glow to each of those layers
then dropshadow 0,0,50,11,black

Delete layers 1,3 & 4

make the semi circle layer active, 
select all, float, defloat,
selections contract by 5
selections invert, 
copy and paste tube as new layer, resize by 60
position so it fits nicely inside the selection then hit delete on your keyboard
change blend mode to multiply
duplicate, adjust blur, gaussian blur 5
change blend mode to dodge and lower opacity to around 68

copy and paste element 18 as new layer
rotate left by 90, resize by 60
drag down below the semi circle layer
dropshadow, 2,5,50,8, black

copy and paste element 23
rotate left by 90, resize by 60, image mirror
position just below the flower
dropshadow as before

copy and paste element 34
resize by 40, position just above the flower

make WA layer active
select all, float, defloat, 
copy and paste paper 3 as new layer
selections invert
hit delete
delete original WA layer
dropshadow WA Back layer

make bg layer active
copy and paste paper 8 as new layer
apply mask
merge group
move up slightly so it shows under the tag
duplicate, move down so it shows

If you wish, duplicate the flower and ivy elements 
a couple of times and drag down the layer palette 
to just above the mask layer. 
Position so they  are showing from underneath the bottom ribbon layer

Add name and copyright information
delete bg layer
merge visible
save as png


Another beautiful example by Blanca

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Simply Beautiful

Supplies Needed: 

Tube of choice, I am using the beautiful artwork of Nocturne, which can
be purchased from Pics For Design
Supplies HERE


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on August 20th 2015
written in psp9 but any version should work
any resemblance to other works in entirely coincidental

open blank canvas 800 x 800 
floodfill white

preset shapes tool - rectangle - line width 25 foreground color black, background null
hold down the shift key and draw out a square in the middle of your canvas
objects, align, center in canvas
convert to raster

duplicate, resize by 80
rotate left 11
position top left of original square
duplicate, image, mirror
position bottom right of original square

Drag original square to top of layer palette

magic wand, feather 0, click inside the top square, expand by 3
c/p tube as new layer, position face inside frame
selections invert
hit delete on your keyboard
duplicate, adjust, blur, gaussian blur 5
change blend mode to overlay
Merge down, and drag tube layer below frame

make top left frame active
magic wand, click inside frame, expand by 3
new raster layer, floodfill with a gradient made from two colors from your tube
c/p tube as new layer, position to your liking
selections invert, hit delete on your keyboard
invert selection again,
effects, edge effects, enhance more, change blend mode to luminance (L)
duplicate, gaussian blur 5, change blend mode to overlay
drag frame above floodfilled and 2 tube layers

repeat the above steps for the bottom right square but resize your tube by 60

Add your favourite dropshadow to each frame layer

Hide white background layer, merge visible all other layers
unhide white background

Add the rose elements to your liking, dropshadow

Add name and copyright information
delete white background layer
crop and save as png


below is a beautiful example made by Blanca


Supplies needed:

Tube of choice, I am using the gorgeous artwork of Laguna
which can be purchased from Pics for Design
My FTU scrapkit ALICE
My Mask HERE
Font of choice - I am using Alice in Wonderland


This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on August 10th 2015
written in psp9 but any version should work
any resemblance to other works in entirely coincidental

Open blank canvas 800 x 800

copy and paste element 8 as new layer
apply mask
merge group

copy and paste all four Ace playings cards as new layers
resize each by 60%

rotate each card to the left
from bottom to top, 5, 10, 15, 20
dropshadow each card 2, -1, 50, 9, black
merge visible
resize by 60

copy and paste element 29 as new layer
position to the right

copy and paste element 28 as new layer
move to the right slightly

copy and paste element 33 as new layer
resize by 30
position on seat of throne

copy and paste tube as new layer
resize as necessary
position to left

copy and paste elements 30 & 31
resize by 40
position in front of tube

copy and paste element 26
resize by 40
position on floor in front of throne

dropshadow all elements & tube 2,5,50,8, black

You may wish to resize your mask layer by 110

Add name and copyright information 
Merge visible

Crop and save as png


Below are some examples the fabulous members of Taggers Inn made