The example above is made by Deeva a member of Taggers Inn
Supplies needed:
Supplies needed:
Tube of choice
The example uses the gorgeous artwork of Zindy
you can purchase from her store HERE
Scrap paper of choice to match your tube
My template HERE
SimoneAni398-fairydust HERE
Eye Candy 4 - Gradient Glow - Color dot & Dot and Cross
Animation Shop
This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on July 5th 2015
written in psp9 but any version should work
any resemblance to other works in entirely coincidental
Open my template
Make rectangle layer active
select all, float, defloat, invert
c/p paper of choice, resize if necessary, hit delete
c/p tube, position to the right hand side of the rectangle, hit delete
merge tube down with paper
delete original rectangle layer
effects - eye candy 4, gradient glow
change glow width to 3, on color tab choose Fat settings
dropshadow 2,5,50,10,black
make circle layer active
select all, float, defloat,
new raster layer
floodfill with a fore/back gradient made with two colors from your tab
angle 35, repeats 2
effects - - dot and cross default settings
effects - eye candy, gradient glow same settings as before
dropshadow as before
erase any parts of the circle that are showing on top of the rectangle
the aim is to make it look like the rectangle is coming through the circle
delete original circle layer
make doodle layer active
select all, float, defloat
new raster layer
floodfill with same gradient as earlier
effects - - color dot, default settings
effects - eye candy 4, gradient glow as before
dropshadow as before
delete original doodle layer
Add your name and copyright information
merge visible
Open Animation Shop
paste as new animation
duplicate to 16 layers
Open SimoneAni398-fairydust
select all (ctrl & A) copy
make tag active, select all
paste into selected frames
click to place
save as gif