this tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 6th July 2014
written in psp9 but any version should work
any similarities to other works is purely conincidental
Supplies needed:
Tube of choice - I am using the artwork of Very Many
Scrapkit - Feel the Rock HERE
mask of choice
Font of choice - I am using Baker Script
Filter -, Dot & cross
OK Lets begin!!
Note: c/p = copy and paste as new layer
d/s = dropshadow 2,5,50,8, black
1. Open blank canvas 800 x 800
floodfill white
2. c/p paper 11
apply mask
3. c/p frame 06
resize by 69
4. c/p winged heart element3
resize by 69
move to the bottom of the frame
5. c/p music scatter
resize by 69
move below frame layer
and down a bit so its under your heart
6. make frame layer active,
magic wand, click inside the left square of frame
selections, expand by 4
c/p tube, position so face shows inside selection
selections invert
hit delete on your keyboard
repeat for right square
merge tube layers together
and move under your frame
filters - penta, dot & cross
default settings
change blend mode to hard light
7. c/p tube again,
resize to fit and position in middle of tag but
under the winged heart
8. c/p staffdoodle
resize by 50
position to top right corner of frame
9. c/p keyboard
resize by 30
postion to bottom left of frame
10. c/p flame 01
using your deform tool, squish it left & right so it
fits right across your frame
position under frame layer and inline with the top of the frame
change blend mode on bottom flame to hard light
change blend mode on top flame to screen
11. make top layer active
c/p skull01
resize by 30
position to the bottom right corner of frame
12. d/s frame
13. Add name and copyright information
delete white background layer
merge visible
crop and save as png.