
Sunday, 12 April 2015

Hopping Into Spring

Supplies Needed:

Tube of choice - I am using two rabbit tubes from FTU artist Lia
Template HERE
Scrapkit (no longer available)
Font of choice

This tutorial written by Mizteeque on March 29th 2015
Written in psp9, but any version should work
Any similarity to other works is purely conincidental and unintentional


OK lets begin!!

Note: c/p = copy and paste as new layer
d/s = dropshadow

1. Open template, shift & D to duplicate, close the original
delete font & info layers
Image, canvas size, 800 x 800
raster 1, floodfill white
c/p paper 1
apply mask, merge group
resize by 110

2. top dark green layer active
select all, float, defloat, invert
open paper 10 c/p
hit delete, deselect
delete original layer

3. repeat for bottom dark green layer

4. repeat for top creme square & bottom creme square
but use paper 9 and position so a piece of the rainbow
is showing in each square
delete original layers

5. repeat for top plum square & bottom plum square
but use paper 7 and position so a flower is showing
in each square
delete original layers.

6. repeat for top & bottom rings again with paper 7
delete original layers.

7. repeat for Pink oval layer, use paper 4

8. repeat for light green circle layer again use paper 4
before deselecting c/p tube, hit delete
deselect, change blend mode to luminance

9. c/p 2nd tube
layers - arrange - move to top
d/s 25,50,8, black

10. font plum layer
select all, float, defloat, invert
c/p paper of choice (I used paper 7 again)
hit delete, deselect
delete original layer

11. c/p butterflies
resize by 60
position top left corner of tag

12. On the two ring layers
select all, float, defloat, expand by 2
new raster layer, floodfill with #fbc5c5
deselect, drag layer below the ring

13. d/s all template layers we filled with papers

14. Delete white background
merge visible, resize by 85
Add name and copyright information
save as png.

Here are some examples that the wonderful members of Taggers Inn made


Supplies needed:

Tube of choice - I am using the beautiful art of Alex Prihodko
you can purchase from Pics For Designs
Scrapkit - Toadilly Spring from Tashas Playground
My template click to open full size and save
font of choice

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on March 22nd 2015
Written in psp9 but any version should work
Any similarity to any other works is purely coincidental and unintentional


Open blank canvas 650 x 350

c/p paper 1

c/p element 1,2 & 5
resize all by 50
position bottom left corner in a cluster arrangement

c/p element 17
rotate right 17
position top left corner
slightly off the canvas

image, mirror
position right hand side
slightly off the canvas

c/p element 9
position so top of swirl is in the
top right corner
slightly off the canvas

d/s all elements 2,4,30,8, black
merge all elements together

c/p rectangle template

magic wand
tolerance 10, feather 0
mode Add
expand by 2
click inside each rectangle
on elements layer, hit delete

Keep selected

c/p tube
position in far right rectangle
selections, invert
hit delete

c/p tube again
Mirror if you like
position in the two far left rectangles
hit delete

add tube again
resize by 40
position in middle rectangle
hit delete
duplicate and close off the duplicate

add tube one more time
resize by 60
position in the last rectangle
hit delete

Merge tube layers together except the duplicated one
change blend mode to luminance

unhide duplicate tube layer

make rectangle layer active
d/s as before

c/p wordart
resize by 45
image, rotate left 90
position inside far left rectangle
change blend mode to luminance
d/s as before

New raster layer
floodfill white
select all
contract selection by 2
hit delete

c/p element 17 again
resize by 45
d/s and position where you like

Add name and copyright information

Merge all flatten

save as jpeg

To make a matching avatar

selection tool
custom selection
top & left 0
right 100
bottom 200
edit selection
move the red square over one of the rectangles
edit selection

Paste as new image
new raster layer
floodfill white
select all, contract by 2
hit delete

add name and cr
merge all flatten

Thats it your done !!

Fly me to the Moon

Supplies needed:

Font of chocie
My supplies HERE

his tutorial was written by Mizteeque on April 5th 2015 
Written in psp9 but any version should work 
any similarity to other works is purely coincidental and unintentional


OK lets begin !!

Open moon image
image, canvas size, 700 x 300
new raster layer
floodfill white
drag layer under moon image

copy and paste tube as new layer
on top of moon layer
resize by 50
move to the left slightly
dropshadow 2,4,50,8,black
duplicate twice

Magic wand
tolerance 15, feather 1
select the white flame on top tube
add noise, uniform, monochrome, 76

close top tube
make middle tube active
add noise, change number to 67

close middle tube
make bottom tube active
add noise, change number to 72

make moon image active
select all, float, defloat
expand by 4
new raster layer
floodfill white
drag layer under moon image

select all, float, defloat,
expand by 1
new raster layer
floodfill black
drag under white layer

copy and paste wordart as new layer
Layers, arrange, bring to top
position on top edge of tag

Add name and copyright information.

copy merged

Open Animation shop
paste as new image

back to psp
close bottom tube, open middle tube
copy merged

back to AS
paste after current frame

back to psp
close middle tube, open top tube
copy merged

back to AS
paste after current frame

save as gif