
Monday, 25 August 2014

Steamin' Hot

This tutorial was written by Mizteeque on 4th August 2014
Written in psp9 but any version should work
any similarities to other works is purely coincidental


Supplies needed:

Tube of choice, I am using the artwork of VeryMany
which can be purchased from
Mask 156 by Vaybs HERE
Supplies HERE

• Filters •
eye candy 5 - smoke


This is an animated tutorial, if you do not wish to animate only follow to step 9

OK lets go!!

Note :  c/p = copy and paste as new layer
d/s = dropshadow 2,5,50,8, black

1. Open blank canvas 800 x 800
floodfill white

2. c/p ECP03 embroidered paper, resize by 22
adjust, brightness & contrast,
brightness - 100, contrast 30
apply mask, merge group, resize by 90

3. c/p chicken wire
resize by 70

4. c/p cluster frame, position in center of mask and wire

5. c/p ECP01 embroidered paper
drag below frame
selection tool, circle, feather 0
draw out a selection from the center almost to the outer edge of the frame
selections invert, hit delete on your keyboard

6. c/p flames
erase any parts showing outside of the frame
select all, float, defloat,
new raster layer,
floodfill with a fore/background gradient  using #d46f29 & #463b28
linear, repeats 0, angle 174
drag below flame layer and change blend mode of flame to luminance legacy
dropshadow original flame layer
merge down the two flame layers

7. c/p tube, resize to fit, move down and to the right
select and delete the part showing under the frame at the bottom
(dont worry about the top)
deselect, duplicate and drag above frame
select and delete almost all of the tube so only the top is left
showing above the frame
dropshadow the bottom tube NOT the top one.

8. c/p wordart
drag to top of layer palette
position to top left of tag

9. Add your name and copyright information
Crop but do not merge

(if you would rather not animate then delete white b/g layer, merge visible and save as png)

10. Make your flame layer active
duplicate twice

11. On bottom flame layer apply eye candy 5 smoke with following settings

• on the settings tab choose, small, dust trail
then on the basic tab
wispy checked
smoke direction 101
column length 65.99
puff size 29.46
expansion 100
waver 82
roughness 76
overall opacity 70
start from bottom checked •

12. repeat on middle layer, but hit random seed once or twice

13. repeat on top layer, again hitting random seed a couple of times

14. Close off top two flame layers
copy merged
paste as new animation into Animation Shop

15. back to psp
close bottom layer, open middle layer
copy merged
paste after current frame in AS

16. back to psp
close middle layer, open top layer
copy merged
paste after current frame in AS

17. Select all frames,
animation, frame properties
change amount to 20

18. save as gif

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